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The party responsible for the automotive insurance payment for a child of a divorced couple is dependent upon their individual situation. Most divorced couples with children usually split any cost associated with the child meaning, that each parent would pay half of the cost of the insurance.

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Q: Who pays auto insurance on a teen driver in a two household-divorced family?
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Can your parent have non driver's insurance but have their teen as a driver on their insurance?

As long as you have auto insurance yes.

Insure Your Young Drivers in Memphis?

One of the responsibilities of having a young driver in the family is to make sure he or she has adequate auto insurance. A family has several things to consider when it comes to acquiring auto insurance for a young driver in Memphis.A parent should talk to the family's auto insurance agent to see what sort of money-saving deal could be worked out by adding a young driver to the policy. In order to have the business of the entire family, an insurance agent may give the young driver a discount on auto coverage. During the appointment, it would also be wise for a parent to evaluate the family's current auto insurance policy. There may be some unnecessary items in the policy that could be dropped in order to save money. Of course, a parent should always talk over the wisdom of any changes with the insurance agent.A young person who is a new driver doesn't need a brand new car to go with his or her license, but a relatively new car can offer benefits in terms of auto insurance coverage. For instance, a car that has various safety devices such as airbags, anti-lock brakes, or even GPS may merit a lower rate when the price of auto insurance is being calculated by an agency. In other words, a young driver who drives a car with modern safety devices is likely to get auto insurance at a reasonable price. Not only will a parent be saving money on auto insurance costs, but a safer car for a teenager gives a parent peace of mind.When searching for auto insurance for a young driver in Memphis, a parent should keep an eye on special deals that serve to lower auto insurance costs. For example, a family's current insurance agency may have discounts for young drivers who work hard in school to earn high grades. Also, a young person with a safe driving record may be eligible for some auto insurance discounts. A parent is wise to look for any opportunities to reduce the auto insurance bill for a young driver.

How do you add a driver to auto insurance?

By calling your insurance agent

Does auto insurance cover any driver of your car?

no, the driver has to be on your insurance or have there own insurance. if your driving and the persons with you then yes

How hard is it for a teenaged driver to get auto insurance in Rhode Island?

You must be at least 16 and have a driver license to get auto insurance in Rhode Island

Do you have to get your auto insurance under your cosigner's auto insurance if they cosign for you?

maybe it will help you -

Is unlicensed driver in accident able to get insurance?

Driver's licensure is a condition of getting auto insurance.

How old do you have to be to have auto insurance?

If you are old enough to have a driver's license, then you are old enough to have auto insurance ... simple as that!

What do you do if you have auto insurance and you hit a parked car whose driver does not have auto insurance?

Your insurance will have to pay regardless if the other person has insurance or not. You were at fault.

Does auto insurance follow the driver or the car in CA?

It depends on your insurance and where you are from.

If your driver's license expires will you still be covered under your auto insurance policy?

If your driver's license expires will you still be covered under your auto insurance policy?

Is there a family owned auto insurance company in Illinois?

COUNTRY Financial is a family owned auto insurance company in Illinois.