the unfortunate car that was hit by the 'thief' will file it under their collision coverage and then attempt to recoup monies from the thief , restitution, you are not liable for the damage caused by a thief that stole your vehicle......
YOU are responsible for the debt that is secured by the "stolen" car. Be sure to make a police report on the 'stolen" car.
If a car hits a stopped car and sets that car into motion and it hits another car, the first car is responsible for both cars. A stopped car is not responsible when someone sets it into motion and it hits another car.
The driver of the first striking car is responsible for all subsequent damage.
The person who stole the car.
Answer: The vehicle that initiates the collision is at fault.
Assuming the stolen car was insured, the stolen cars insurance would be responsible. If the stolen car was not insured, the driver, if located would be responsible. If not located then the owner would probably be held responsible. Hopefully the struck vehicle is insured for "uninsured motorist" coverage. Filing the report after the accident would document the theft, but not neccesarily clear the owner of responsibility.
The parent or responsible adult operating the vehicle and in charge of the child, like the sitter or another friend or relative.
I think it would have to be the person who hit your car because they caused your car to crash into the other car.
Yes. You are responsible for parking your vehicle in a way that damage will not be caused to another's vehicle. So say you park on a hill and the vehicle rolls back and hits another vehicle, you are liable.
The one responsible for that is the person who own the car that hits your car.
The car that hit you first is responsible for the entire accident. Hopefully he will have enough coverage to pay for the damage to all the vehicles.
The driver is always responsible for whatever happens to vehical he is driving