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The parent or responsible adult operating the vehicle and in charge of the child, like the sitter or another friend or relative.

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Q: Who is responsible if a child opens a door and hits another car with car door?
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The interior door handled will not open the door. whats the problem?

if the door opens from the outside but not the inside then check that the door does not have a child lock

If someone is double parked and you go around them and they open their door and damage your car and theirs who is responsible?

Speaking from experience if a person opens their care door into a lane of traffic, they are responsible if it gets hit. If you legally go around a car that is double parked and the occupant opens their door and you hit it, they are responsible. Don't move. Call the police.

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Arthur Pine has written: 'Unexpected Roads' 'One door closes, another door opens' -- subject(s): Celebrities, Success 'One door closes, another door opens' -- subject(s): Celebrities, Success

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When one door closed another one opens?

That's a quote, not a question, silly. ;)

Passenger door will not open from inside on a 1996 Saturn SL2?

If the door opens from the outside it may be the child safety latch. Open the door and there will be a lever on the rear of the door move this to the off position.

If a parked car opens their door as the parked car next to them is pulling away who is responsible legally?

The one backing out, because you should realize someone is opening a door.

Who's at fault if someone opens their car door in traffic and the door is hit?

The person that opens the door is at fault

When was Mary Poppins Opens the Door created?

Mary Poppins Opens the Door was created in 1943.

What is a door key?

a key that opens a door.

When the Passenger opens door and jumps out and is injured can the driver or owner of the vehicle be held liable?

Nope... The passenger's actions are their own ! If they choose to open the door of a moving vehicle - they are responsible for their own injuries !

What do you do when your crush moved?

be sad for a little while, then move on. when one door closes, another one opens up.