The hit and run driver is responsible assuming you only felt one impact, (cab was hit and pushed into you), if you felt two impact, (cab hit you then was hit by fleeing party and hit you again) then the cab will be on the hook for atleast part of your damage. The cab company may, (the don't have to) pay for your damages, if they know, or think they will find this third car, otherwise, you will need to be paid by your company under your collision coverage, your company may then go to the cab company for some contributing factors in the accident, (not far enough back from you etc)........good luck.......
I am not familiar with California laws but... In 99% of cases, the person who rear-end's you is at fault. If the other person is at fault, they are liable for damages and medical injuries. The fact that you are not insured does not make the at fault driver not responsible for damages and injuries that he or she causes.
If the policy did not contain a "grace period" you will probably have to pay the damages out of pocket. Almost every state considers the driver of the vehicle that rear ended the other the responsible party. Unless there mitigating circumstances. Such as the other driver was DUI, or ?. In which case it may end up in court.
The car behind you is responsible for the damage to both cars. They are also responsible for putting you and the other driver in a rental car while your cars are being fixed.
First of all insurance companies don't cancel policies without notice. Second, it doesn't matter if you had current coverage or not if someone else was responsible for the damage to your car. File the claim with the insurance company that was covering the at fault driver.
i was rear ended frm behind by another car, the car had insurance but the person driving was not listed as a driver, can i still get paid for mu car damages n body injuries
The only thing you can do is, sue the other driver for the damages to your car. Since he was not insured, chances are, he is irresponsible and you may have to find a way to enforce your judgment on your own.
The person who is responsible for the accident should accept that responsibility and place a claim with their insurer or make a written agreement with the damaged party to reimburse them for their loss. The problem is in this case the "at fault" driver has no way to determine if the amount requested is valid. The "at fault" driver should under no circumstances render any monies until valid proof of damages and agreement on the amount that is to be paid has been submitted in writing and signed by all involved parties (driver of vehicle during accident, owner of vehicle, etc.).
No, The at fault party (meaning the person who rear ended you) is responsible for your damages. Unless you could prove that your "State" was somehow responsible for yo being rear ended, You could not prove your state Liable for your damages.If you are carrying adequate coverage including uninsured and under insured motorists coverage then you will be covered for such a loss. Your insurer could pay your damages and then seek reimbursement through the courts from the at fault uninsured driver whom you allege was driving illegally.If you purchase only the minimum coverage and left uninsured, under insured motorists coverage off your policy then you accepted the risk that such a loss could happen.AnswerNo, of course not.If you were mugged, could you get reimbursed by the state since the mugger was committing a crime?That said, if you could collect restitution from the state, states would get a lot more serious about enforcing their insurance laws.
The same as any other accident. If you have damages you submit a claim. If you have no damages then there is nothing to claim.
You should still attempt to get insurance information from the other driver. Unless that person has rendered payment for your damages, your expenses will be your own. The other option is to sue the person if they will not pay voluntarily.
If he was at fault, regardless of whether he was pulling a camper or not, he would be responsible. Pulling a camper doesnt make you responsible for an accident if that was the only thing you did wrong. If someone rear-ended him, its their fault, if he rear ended someone or ran a red light, then yes, its his fault.
First, Are you the uninsured driver or the person who was rear-ended? It doesn't matter which party is asking, or that the highway was in Alabama either. The driver who rear-ends another car at a red light is at fault 99.9+ percent of the time. But the other driver cannot ORDER him to pay, unless he happens to also be the presiding judge who hears the lawsuit (maybe Alabama does matter, after all).