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I am not familiar with California laws but... In 99% of cases, the person who rear-end's you is At Fault. If the other person is at fault, they are liable for damages and medical injuries. The fact that you are not insured does not make the at fault driver not responsible for damages and injuries that he or she causes.

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Q: Rear ended in California with a lapse in auto insurance is the person that hit you still responsible for medical injuries?
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If medical insurance will not cover injuries from an auto accident why do they ask if you have it and then limit your coverage?

Medical insurance should cover any injuries substained no matter how they were caused. Health insurance is only responsible (in most cases) for what your car insurance and the third party involved's insurance does not pay. Legally, car insurance is primary over health insurance.

In California if a person is deceased who is responsible for medical debt?

The estate is responsible. It may become part of the spouse's responsibilities depending on the insurance and the estate.

In an auto accident in California do you bill your auto insurance as the primary insurance or your health insurance?

If you have both medical insurance and auto insurance, the primary company billed will depend on the situation. If your injuries and medical costs were caused by an auto accident and you carry Medical Payments coverage, you will bill your auto insurance provider. If you do not carry Med Pay insurance coverage, as it is optional in the state of California, the circumstances will depend on who is deemed at fault for the accident. If the other party is at fault, you will bill their insurance company and will advise your claims adjuster as well. If you are deemed at fault and do not carry Med Pay, the only insurance you can bill is your medical insurance provider. Be sure your medical insurance provider does not exclude injuries caused in an automobile accident before approving chiropractic care.

Does homeowners cover a fall of a guest?

No, The medical coverage portion of your policy (usually $500) is for minor injuries that can occur around the home and is specific to the named insureds. Your home insurance policy is not a replacement for major medical insurance. If your guest feels you are responsible for their injuries through your negligence then they could sue you for coverage under the liability portion of your home insurance policy.

Why would you be charged more for pl pd if you don't have any medical insurance?

I think you are referring to PIP coverage? There may be some states that surcharge if you do not have medical insurance as PIP pays for injuries, or death in an auto accident. Most states and insurance companies offer a discount if you do have medical insurance as your medical insurance can also pay for your injuries. Many PIP policies only pay a % of injuries up to a maximum of $10,000.

Is a wife responsible for a medical debt of her husband's in Ohio if he was on her medical insurance and is now deceased?

Yes, she will be held responsible. The primary insurance holder is always responsible for the medical costs under

Does homeowners insurance cover injuries incured on a tractor?

No. That's what your major medical insurance policy is for.

If a buddy is riding your bike with no insurance and hurts himself who covers the medical expenses?

Technically, your buddy covers the medical expenses. He might be able to have his medical insurance cover it depending on the injuries AND as long as he DOES NOT mention that he got hurt while on the bike. Once he says that the doctors will not treat him for those injuries because they can't bill med insurance.. Medical insurance companies don't want to be paying for injuries that happened on an auto.

If no auto insurance will medical insurance pay?

If you have an auto accident and you do not have auto insurance with medical payments coverage for your injuries and medical costs, you may need to research the coverages available through your medical insurance policy. If you are not at fault for the accident that caused you injury, and the third party insurance provider has taken responsibility for the accident, the at fault party's liability insurance should pay for medical injuries up to the limits on their policy. Because you do not have insurance, receiving a claim payout might require more work because you do not have an adjuster working for you. If you were at fault for the accident and you do not have auto insurance, you will need to speak with a representative from your medical insurance company to discuss the coverage provided under that policy. You may have a co-pay or a percentage you are responsible for depending on if you have an HMO or PPO.

In the divorce you responsible foare your childrens medical insurance but you lose your job are you still responsible for their insurance?

You are still responsible for their insurance, when you get another job that has it available. If there is no insurance right now, most of the time you would be responsible for half of any medical bills that are acquired while they were uninsured.

Is a wife responsible for a medical debt of her husband's in Virginia if he was on her medical insurance and is now deceased?

The primary insurance holder will be held responsible. That is part of the agreement, they will have to pay.

Does medical insurance narrow down the undesirable events to illnesses and injuries?
