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That is an act of Nature. No one is responsible (liable) for an act of Nature.

Your homeowners policy will not cover it.

The comprehensive portion of the vehicle owners Auto Insurance policy would have to cover the damage.

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Q: Who is responsible for damages when a tree falls on a car during storm?
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Depends who owns it.

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The answer is basically no. The landlord is never responsible for damages to personal property belonging to tenants in any dwelling or structure. That is why you are strongly encouraged to get renters insurance. In some cases you may have some recourse if the landlord knew of the problem. But if you get renters insurance be insurance company can determine that for you and they can seek damages from the landlord.

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They will cover the damages to your car, but your rates will more than likely go up because you are filing a claim on you own car.

If a neighbor's tree falls on my house who is responsible?

If the tree was not dead already and clearly so then your insurance would pay for the damage to your house. A storm that causes the tree to fall is considered an "act of God" and the neighbor is therefore not responsible for the incident.