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Each could be ticketed. The driver for no insurance, and the owner for allowing unlawful operation.

In the UK both are equally responsible for 'using a motor vehicle on a road without insurance' and both will be prosecuted.

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Q: Who is responsible for a no insurance ticket on a borrowed car The driver or owner?
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If uncovered driver gets speeding ticket in your car?

If a person that is not covered by the insurance of the car being driven is given a ticket, the driver is responsible for the ticket. The insurance company that covers the car can tell the owner what affect it may or may not have for the policy owner.

Who is responsible for a ticket while driving without car insurance?

The person in who's name the the ticket was issued is responsible for the ticket.

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If you are driving someone vehicle and it does not have current tag or insurance who gets ticket?

The driver will get the ticket.

In ma if you drive someone else's car and get a ticket who will have their insurance affected the driver or the owner of the vehicle?

Always remember insurance follows the vehicle and points follow the driver. So if they get points from the ticket it will follow the driver.

If you get a speeding ticket while driving somebody elses car will?

YOU the driver will be responsible to pay the ticket.

Does the driver or vehicle owner ges the ticket for expired nys inspection?

The driver is responsible for the vehicle.

Who gets the no insurance ticket for driving another persons car?

Ultimately, the driver is responsible for everything that happens while the vehicle is moving. The DRIVER is supposed to verify that the vehicle he is driving has insurance. I have been in this position, as the owner of the vehicle. And trust me it is the owner that gets the huge fine.

Does a passenger open container affect insurance rates?

It depends on who got the ticket. If the ticket was issued to the driver it will effect his insurance but if it was issued to the passenger then it will only effect his insurance.

You got a ticket in PA going 85 in a 55 how much will your insurance go up?

The increase in insurance for any ticket is dependent upon the insurance company and the driver. Some insurance policies will not go up in the event of one ticket.

Can you get a ticket for driving with no insurance if you are pulled over driving a borrowed car that is not insured even though your personal car is insured MN?

Absolutely. You are responsible for making sure the vehicle that you are driving is insured. It does not make any difference that you have other car insurance or even that the owner of the vehicle has other insurance. If there is not insurance on the vehicle you are driving then you are guilty.

If someone gets a speeding ticket in your car does their insurance go up or does the owner of the cars?

Tickets are issued to people not cars. If you get a ticket while driving someone else's car, it only affects their insurance costs if you are a listed driver on their policy. The ticket is for the driver.