The owner of the vehicle is going to be held liable for any damages caused by the underage driver.
Who had the seizure?
If the car is in your name you are responsible not your ex wife. she would be liable if the car was in her name.
More than likely you both can be held liable. Since you both were aware the car was uninsured. Depending on the laws of your state you may end up with fines and penalties also. It also depends whether your son was driving the car with your permission and whether your son is a minor. (Yeses make you more liable, noes less so.)
A cosign agreement is usually just a financial agreement to cover the rent or damages if your son can't pay. I don't think it has anything to with underage drinking.
A parent is liable of any damages their children do. The car owner is not liable for any damages caused if the vehicle was stolen.
If it is your carIf the car is registered in your name, you will certainly be included in the lawsuit if the damages exceed the limits of the insurance. AnswerIf your grown son has his own insurance that will cover his car and any other he might be driving,then he is responsible.Now, how old is you grown son?? If he is underage, you are responsible. If he is 18 or older again, he should be held responsible unless he has no insurance other than your policy. Which in that case, you and your insurance is responsible.
If he ever drives it he legally has to be insured. If he never sets foot behind the wheel, he does not.
if there is insurance it should pay for the loss
The parents are not liable for the damage. Parents can only be liable for the actions of a child who is under the age of 18.
his mothers for lettting him but his sons for crashing it goood luuck brittney spears opps i did it again
As long as it wasn't your car involved, you would not be held liable for anything. He is 21. That makes him wholly responsible for his actions.