As long as it wasn't your car involved, you would not be held liable for anything. He is 21. That makes him wholly responsible for his actions.
It is never a good idea to drive without insurance as there are costly penalties if one is caught or involved in an accident. If one is in an accident without auto insurance, their options are limited but they may be able to sue the other driver if they are at fault.
The answer should be yes to both parts of the question. You should notify them.
If you drive a motor vehicle without insurance and you are involved in a major accident where you are at fault, you could be sued for several million dollars if other parties in the accident are badly injured or killed. It's just not worth the risk.
Vehicle insurance is one of the most important things a driver can buy. Without insurance, some drivers involved in an accident can be stuck with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damages that they have to pay.
Yes, it is illegal to drive without insurance or without having sufficient insurance in Arizona. You will have 30 days to provide proof of insurance following an accident.
yes you can with or without it
The reason you need car insurance is for protection for both you and other parties. Without insurance, if you were involved in an auto accident, you would have to take the responsible party to court, which cost you time and money. Insurance covers this cost, as well as it finicially protects you. if you were found at fault for an accident, and did not have insurance, you would be responsible for all the damages and medical expenses for all parties involved. This could end up costing you several thousand dollars, which most of us could not afford. Insurance covers this cost, as well as insures that if you are injuried in an accident that wasnt your fault, that you are fully compensated for your injuries
In California, the law is, if you in fact have an accident in California without insurance, and the dmv finds out about it, your license will be suspended for 1 year.
First of all you are really lucky that this accident was not your fault. The person who was at fault is responsible for your vehicle damages. If he is insured, then it is his insurance company that is responsible. ** Depending on your states laws, you can loose your drivers license for up to a year for not having insurance and being involved in an accident. If you received a citation at the scene of the accident for no insurance, you need to pay for that also.
Get a really good lawyer:)
Having insurance in general is important; auto insurance especially. Not only is it illegal to drive without auto insurance, but if a person were to get into a car accident, he/she would have to exchange insurance information with the other person involved in the accident. A hefty fine can follow if he/she does not have insurance. The insurance will pay for the damages done so that he/she does not have to pay out of pocket. The same goes for homeowners' insurance. If damages are done to a person's house, then the insurance will pay for the damages. Overall, it doesn't matter if it is 21st Century Insurance or another insurance company. Insurance is very important to have.