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If you were parked and you were exiting the vehicle (car not in motion), the other car is At Fault. A parked car with door open or closed is still a parked car.


This MIGHT be a comparative negligence incident in which both of you may share fault. It depends on several factors: Was your door open all the way before the vehicle drove in? Did you open it the moment the car drove through? Was EITHER party paying attention?

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Q: Who is at fault when you open your door in a parking lot and another car runs into it?
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What happens if I open my door and hit another car in a parking lot?

your fault since you opened your door. it just happened to me couple weeks ago.

Who is at fault when someone is backing out of parking lot and the car next to it has door open and you hit the door?

Rule of thumb: if two cars are in an accident and only one of them is moving, it's the fault of the car that was moving.

If you are sitting in the driver's seat of a parked car and open you're door and a passing by car hits the door who is at fault?

depend where you were. if you were on the road, its your fault cuz its a road! 4 moveing cars for crying out loud! if it was in a parking lot, blame the driver who hit your door. your supposed to be parked in a parking lot! dahhhhhhh!

Who is at fault when you are pulling out of a parking space and the car next to you swings open their door and the you hit their car?

It depends. If they hit you with their door, it's usually their fault. If you hit their door with your car, it's most likely your fault. That said, the burden of ensuring the way is clear is ALWAYS on the reversing vehicle.

Who is at fault if you were parked in a parking lot with your door already open and another car hits your door trying to park next to you?

If the facts are as stated in the question, then the driver pulling into the space would be at fault. HOWEVER - the other driver's defense will very likely be that YOU opened the door on THEM. Without independent, non-interested witnesses it is going to be almost impossible to prove fault one way or the other.

Who is at fault if your car door is open and another car drives into it?

The other driver's fault. He or she should have paid attention.Another View; IT DEPENDS. If you opened the door to a traveled lane and it was struck by passing traffic - YOU are the one at fault.

Who is at fault when open car door and hit another car?

Technically it would be the fault of the person opening the door. You are not supposed to put parts of your car into the path of a car. Having said this, no accident is ever 100% someone's fault. In Wisconsin you are 10% at fault just for being there.

If you open your car door and another vehicle hits it whose fault is it?

it could be both. depends on the situation. if you didnt see the car coming its there fault. the car shouldve slowed down or moved over to aviod hitting the door.

You were parked in a parking lot with door open loading groceries and the truck next to you pulled forward to get out of its space with no car in front of it and it hit your door. Who is at fault?

Unfortunately, parking lots are not covered under municipal or state traffic laws. As such, unless there are definite witnesses or other obvious evidence, insurance companies will tend at assume that no one is at fault in the accident and each individual will claim their own damages.

Who is at fault if you are in a parking spot and another car pulling in hits your door when you open it to get out?

Yours. There is no way for the other car to anticipate you exciting your vehicle, but you could have checked if a car was pulling in before opening your door.Answercorrect. the party needs to yield Right of Way. They entered into your lane of travel,

If your car is parked and you open the door and someone hits your door with their car who is at fault?

Technically it would be your fault as you are not supposed to put parts of your car into the path of a car. Having said this, no accident is ever 100% someone's fault. In Wisconsin you are 10% at fault just for being there.As the answer above stated, it is your responsibility to look for oncoming cars before opening your door. The only situation in which there may be an exception to this is if you were in a parking lot and the other car pulled in beside you after you had already begun opening your door.

Who is at fault if a driver in a parked car has a door open in oncoming moving traffic in Pennsylvania?

Opening a door into traffic makes the door opener at fault. If the door is opened safely and some driver then runs into it, the moving driver is at fault.