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In most states and jurisdictions the motor vehicle is At Fault if you hit a pedestrian. This is because the driver has a better chance of avoiding the collision. Now if the pedestrian darts between two vehicles or jaywalks in an area between crosswalks you will have some liability as well. The driver is responsible for looking for walking people where people are legally allowed to walk but not necessarily where they shouldn't be or where they can't see a pedestrian.

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Q: Who is at fault when you hit a pedestrian?
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Who is at fault when a car hits a pedestrian in a parking lot?

that person who hit you

What happens if you are backing out and hit a pedestrian while on private property?

You are still at fault, no matter what.

In Oklahoma if a vehicle hit a pedistrian not using a crosswalk who is at fault?

If they hit a "pedestrian" or "pedistrian" probably the one walking illegally.

Can you be sued if you hit a pedestrian but it was not your fault?

You can be sued for anything, regardless of fault. Was the police called, were you cited for the accident? The burden of proof rests with the accuser, they need to show that you were at fault.

Are you at fault if you hit a pedestrian backing down your driveway on your property?

Pedestrians have the right of way. Unless you can prove he/she was grosely negligent or did it on purpose then you are at fault. If you are backing down on your private driveway and a neighbor who walks behind your car on your private driveway is hit and falls down who is at fault? The neighbor pedestrian has been drinking, unstable on his feet was standing in his driveway at his car then suddenly is behind my vehicle.

Is it always considered involuntary manslaughter if you hit an pedestrian?

Not necessarily, If evidence can be developed that the collision was intentional it could be charged as manslaughter. or even homicide. Or, if the pedestrian was at fault, there might not be any charge at all.

Who is responsible for car damage from pedestrian?

just remember one thing, pedestrians have the right of way in most cases, in some cities there is jay walking laws, but if you hit a pedestrian, YOU are at fault, at least here in new york.

Who is at fault if you hit a pedestian on green light?

Both of you ! The pedestrian is at fault for not obeying the traffic signals and you are at fault for not paying enough attention to what's around you while driving. A green light is not an automatic right to proceed - it's a priority signal !

What should you do as the pedestrian who was hit by a car if police did not issue any traffic or careless driving ticket to the driver at fault?

File a claim with his insurance. Or sue.

What should you do When a vehicle ahead of you stops to let a pedestrian pass in front of you?

You should probably stop too, in order to avoid rear ending the car in front of you, which could lurch forward and hit the pedestrian, making their injury your fault.

When a vehicle ahead of you stop to let a pedestrian pass in front of you you should?

Always give up the "right-of-way" to the pedestrian. Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right-of-way and if you hit them under almost any circumstances it can be found to be your fault. Best to be safe, considerate and let the pedestrian cross, even if they are not in a crosswalk.

When a vehicle ahead of you stops to let a pedestrian pass in front of you should?

Always give up the "right-of-way" to the pedestrian. Pedestrians ALWAYS have the right-of-way and if you hit them under almost any circumstances it can be found to be your fault. Best to be safe, considerate and let the pedestrian cross, even if they are not in a crosswalk.