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it is ALWAYS the fault of the backing driver. They bear the responsibility to make sure they can back with safety.

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Q: Who is at fault when you are backing out and a car pulls up behind you after you have looked?
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Are you at fault if you are backing out and someone pulls out behind you from a blind spot?

And hits you? Yes, unless that someone was speeding or otherwise careless (ran a red-light etc).

Who is at fault when someone pulls safely on to the road way from their driveway and the person whom hit them was speeding?

anytime someone is backing out of a driveway or parking spot, they are at fault. The other driver will only be sited for speeding.

Who is at fault when a parked car pulls out and hits passing car driving too fast through the parking lot?

The driver of the parking car is at fault... he shd allways keep a man to inform him about danger, whenever backing in such a speedy street....

Who is at fault if you are backing out of a driveway your back tires haven't left the sidewalk yet and your neighbor pulls in front of your driveway to back up into a parking space on the street?

Finding out the answer to these sorts of questions is what courts are for. The answer depends on the details, but from the brief description given, I'm inclined toward the position that it's probably your fault, or a mixture of fault, but with you being the one mostly in the wrong. People who are backing up are supposed to take extra caution.

If a car pulls out in front of you who is at fault?

Their fault for not looking both ways

While travelling on a road inside school grounds. Approach a car park to right car waiting to turn Car pulls out of a car park hits right hand side of the car Who is liable?

There is a lot more to determining this, but both parties will be partially at fault. The person behind the other car had the duty to try to get out of the way, the person backing up had the duty to see before he backed up. If it is as simple as stated, it would most likely be 10-20% fault for the person who got hit, 80-90% for the person backing up.

Who is at fault if you hit someone on a bicycle riding illegally on the sidewalk while you are backing out of your driveway?

It is usually the responsibility of the homeowner if a person pulls into a driveway and runs over a bicycle. The homeowner's insurance might also pay for this accident. It might be the driver's fault if the bicycle was not in the driveway at the time or the driver was drinking.

If I am backing out of my driveway slowly and my friend's car pulls right behind me instead of waiting for me to pull out and pulling next to me and I back right into her car who is responsible?

you both are. you could have at your side or rear view mirrior. the over person is responsible because she should'nt have been behind you.

Whose fault is it if car A is driving into a parking and car B pulls in out of no where and car A hits the driver's door of that car?

if the car b pulls in out of no where and with out the signal is car b fault

Who is at fault when a person is pulling out of a parking spot and going slowly using caution and a car traveling the parking lot collide?

A vehicle traveling in a parking lot has established use of the lane and the right of way. A vehicle in a parking space and backing into the lane must yield to oncoming traffic. Therefore, if a vehicle is backing out of a parking space and pulls into the path of an oncoming vehicle that has already established the lane, the vehicle backing would be at fault for the accident. However, if the vehicle which established use of the lane had an opportunity to avoid hitting the vehicle backing out of the space and failed to do so, there could be comparative negligence on both vehicles or on the one who had the opportunity to avoid the accident.

If some pulls out on you from a side street and you are speeding abit and hit them on the back of there car whose fault is it?

it is the person who pulls out on your street

If a car pulls out of a turning in front of you and you hit him when he is stationary who is at fault?

If he was truly stationary and you hit him, you are probably at fault. If he was illegally going through the turn, he might be at fault.