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Neither and both, you could argue that the car travelling fastest at the point of impact was to blame as it was the most out of control. But difficult to prove. Most likely taken as knock for knock.

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Q: Who is at fault when two cars backing hit each other?
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What if two cars are backing out of opposite places and hit each other: back right bumper and back left bumper on other vehicle collide. Is anyone at fault?

Yup. Both of you are at fault, and will most likely have to use your own insurance to repair your cars.

Who is at fault when two cars are backing up simultaneously in a private parking lot parked in rows across from each other and collide with each other?

What is quaintly known in the UK as Knock for knock. Equal blame, equal responsibility.

Who is at fault if a car is hit in a parking lot?

If a parked car is hit my a moving car, the moving car is obviously at fault. If a moving car is hit by a car backing out of a space, the second car is at fault for failure to yeild, as the first car had right of way. If two cars are backing out and hit each other, it may be hard to determine who's at fault, as both driver's vision may have been compromised.

If you were parked in a parking space and you back out of your spot and while you are still backing out of it another car backs into you That is their fault right?

Generally, the person backing out is at fault. If you are both backing out you're probably both at fault and will probably share the cost of repair, with each repairing their own. yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!! yes because you were backing out and they hit your car its their fault!!!!!!!

Who is at fault when two cars are backing out of a parking lot at the same time and hit each other?

Generally you are both equally at fault unless (1) it can be shown that one of the drivers did something that was negligent or (2) if it can be proven that one of the drivers had a clear opportunity to avoid the accident and chose not to.

If you are in a parking lot and backing up and a car comes from off the street and while both cars are moving you hit each other who is at fault?

Were you backing and they driving forward in the lane? If so more than likely you will be deemed the higher degree of fault. Vehicle that are reversing are required to use a higher degree of care. More details and I might be of greater assistance to you.

What if two cars backing out of a parking spot and a vehicle coming from your right backs out the two cars collide right rear bumper to right rear bumper who is at fault?

Both partys are at fault and each party will need to file there vehicle under there own insurance. Parking lot accidents are always share fault unless one of the vehicle was parked, but since both vehicles were backing out at the same time, both partys are at fault unless you get a kind person to admit it was there fault.

Who's at fault when two cars back up into each other- one car backing out of a driveway the other in the process of making a three point Uturn?

Should it ever get to court, most judges will assign split negligence to both drivers, although the pressumption is that the driver backing out of the driveway is supposed to be looking both ways up and down down the street.

Who is at fault when two cars rear end each other backing out of a parking lot?

I would be interested to see how this plays out. I know my dad was backing out of a parking space slowly because he had two larger cars on either side of him and a driver was driving down the lane in the parking lot and rearended him. The other driver didnt stop for at least 20 feet so he was going pretty fast, but they still gave my dad the ticket for unsafe backing. But if both of you were backing out in a parking lot I dont know how that would play out. Did you guys call the cops? I suppose the cop could have given you both a ticket for unsafe backing??

Two cars backing into each other?

That is usually a 50/50 situation, unless you have a witness. But I'll need more info.

You were backing out of your driveway the other day and your neighbor was backing out at the same time you ended up backing into each other you were both going to go East?

I live on the south side of the street she lives on the north. Our driveways are even with each other. When we bumped into each other my driveside bumper and her front passanger door were dented. Who is more at fault. She was running late for work and did not want too call the police and now she is saying I hit her and it is my fault. Initailly she stated the same as me that neither of us were paying attention to behind us only too oncoming traffic.

When backing up car on left was sitting still when car that was going out of stall was half way out of parking stall car on left rolled back and hit passenger wheel well who is at fault?

It sounds like the other vehicle was at fault for improper backing, but each state is different and some are no-fault states. Still, if you were in the roadway or parking lot ailse, then you are considered to have right of way. It is incumbent on the other vehicle to make sure the path is clear before backing into traffic.