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What is quaintly known in the UK as Knock for knock. Equal blame, equal responsibility.

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Q: Who is at fault when two cars are backing up simultaneously in a private parking lot parked in rows across from each other and collide with each other?
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If you are backing out of a parking spot and the person beside you is coming forward and turning left out of theirs and you collide who is at fault?

In most cases parking lots are private property and are not subject to street laws. Therefore, no insurance company will assume liability.

Who is at fault if you are in a parking lot and while backing up to let the other car pull out of the parking space you collide with the car behind you?

Clearly, if you hit a stopped vehicle with yours then you are at fault, regardless of whether you were going forward or backward. Similarly, anyone backing up has an obligation to use the utmost care.Here is a fact you should know . Any accident in a parking lot is not covered by any insurance , only wrecks on public roads . Insurers do cover accidents that occur in private parking lots. The police however will not respond nor make a report unless there are injuries. The person who was backing up will most likely be the "at fault" driver

What if you and other party are backing out at the same time in a parking lot on private property in Texas?

you would probably get arestted and go to jail for 3yrs

Can tickets be issued in New York State for unsafe backing on private property?

Yes you can be ticketed. Most parking lots are actually private property but they still come under the Vehicle and Traffic law. It all depends on how the law defines a roadway and in the case of unsafe backing there is not restriction on where the event occurs.

When exiting a parking spot has the right-of-way.?

This depends on the state you are in and most times whether it is a private parking lot or not. florida is a no fault state so it you back out and hit someone or if someone hits you while backing out then you are both equally at fault and both insurances have to cover. most cops here dont even ask because in a private parking lot it doesnt matter both insurances cover anyways.

Vehicle gets hit while pulling out of parking space by a car that is going backwards and hits the side of your car who is liable under new york law?

It will probably depend on who was backing out first. The first one backing should have the right of way. Also the driving laws don't officially apply in private parking lots. The insurance companies will look at the collision based on driving laws though.

Can a cop give you a ticket in a private parking lot for going the wrong way?

Defining private parking lot is the question here... The jurisdiction extends if the parking lot is regarded as a public access way... i.e. a mall, a hotel driveway, restaurant parking lot. A true private parking lot is a lot where access is limited by invitation or a private residence.

What actors and actresses appeared in Private Parking - 2008?

The cast of Private Parking - 2008 includes: Jordan Lawson as Chris

If you are backing out of your driveway and are struck by a car in a mobile home park who is at fault?

Check with the local police but I've had it where people backing a car out of a shop into a private parking lot get hit by someone driving through (too fast even) and the person who is in reverse is always at fault. Might be different in some areas but in my area this is how it goes.

Who is responsible when a car backing out of driveway collides with car pulling away from curb?

O.K. The vehicle that is backing out is backing out from private property. The vehicle that is pulling away should have the right of way. You see when a vehicle is trying to enter a Highway via driveway, parking lot, ect. he is ASKING for the right of way and he is responsible for yielding. Hope this helps. Thanks CMAC, 8 year SC State Trooper

Who is at fault in an accident where a vehicle backing out of a parking spot strikes a vehicle that is speeding through the parking lot?

It depends. Parking lots are private property so the usual rules of the road don't apply. In some states it is 50-50 as far as who's at fault, because both drivers have a responsibility to watch for other drivers. Do not admit fault and let the insurance companies handle it.

Is a mc donalds parking lot considered public or private?

Private property.