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It's called, "Undue care and attention" and both of you are at fault. The person didn't look to see if there was a car coming, and you didn't look to see if someone was going to open up their door. This is a "Mexican Stand-off" and it's best to come to some conclusion over this with the other person if possible ... you each share half the cost of having your vehicle being repaired. Good luck Marcy

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Q: Who is at fault when someone opens their car door and hits your car while pulling into a parking space?
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Who is at fault if someone opens a car door as another car is pulling into the parking space next to them and hits it?

I beleive, whoever's car is moving (wheel-wise), is at fault.

Who is fault is it when someone opens their door while your pulling in next to them?

The person driving the vehicles fault. Should have been paying attention and be alert for anything to happen at anytime.

Who is liable when you are already more than three quarters of the way into a parking space-still pulling in- and someone opens their passenger side door into your car and damages both cars?

Going ONLY by the information disclosed in the question - it would appear that the person who opend their door is at fault.

Who's at fault if someone opens their car door in traffic and the door is hit?

The person that opens the door is at fault

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It can be called a 50/50 accident... ususally the adjuster can determine that.

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If a parked car opens their door as the parked car next to them is pulling away who is responsible legally?

The one backing out, because you should realize someone is opening a door.

Who is at fault when a car is parked to unload passengers and a backseat passenger opens their door into a car driving past?

The person who opens the door.

Who is at fault if the driver of a parked vehicle opens his door and it is hit by a car pulling into the adjacent space?

need more info however if you were in the process of parralel parking , had pulled up to the car whose door opened into yours and the other driver opened the door while you were backing up then they are at fault and must pay you. If they were illegally parked (ie too far from curb- check local law on the distance -usually up to 18 inches from curb-, in a handicapped parking spot and they didnt have a handicapped permit etc) they have to pay you. Generally if you are pulling straight into a parking spot , if they whip their door open while you are pulling in it may be a 50/50 fault , check with your local police dept on local law. If all else fails get an atty . good luck e

Who is at fault is someone is closing the door of a parked car and their door is hit by a passing car?

Virtually ANY time a vehicle door opens into moving traffic it will be the responsibility/fault of the party who was in control of the door. The questioner states that they were CLOSING the door??? That may be their story, but it will probably be difficult proving it.

Who is at fault if the driver of a parked vehicle opens his door and it is hit by a car driving by?

driver of parked vehicle

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Using the handle which opens the doors. Instead of pulling it as you do to open, you push it in until it clicks.