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This question is very broad. More specifics are needed to determine fault. Who was turning left? Were you at a light, if so did you have a green turn arrow or light? Who had the right of way. Were there cars behind you, in front of you? What was your speed? Were there witnesses? Were the police called, is there a report? Were you cited or ticketed?

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Q: Who is at fault when hit on the passenger side when making a left hand turn?
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Who is at fault when driver B hits Driver A on passenger side when driver A is making left hand turn?

Entirely situation dependent. Need to know which vehicle had right-of-way in order to determine this.

Whose fault is it if you are making a left hand turn on a green arrow and you get hit on the passenger front fender?

It is generally the fault of the other person if you are hit in a front fender while making a turn on a green arrow. If you have the signal to make a turn, the other person generally does not have the green light as well.

Who is at fault I was making a left turn and I was struck in the passenger rear panel of my vehicle?

I don't know the details but most likely the vehicle that struck you is at fault if he/she was traveling in the same direction and lane behind you.

Who is at fault when making a left hand turn and the other vehicle got a ticket for improper passing?

It seems obvious that the person ticketed for improper passing is at fault, assuming that a left-hand turn could be legally made at this location and that proper signals were issued.

Whose fault when making left turn and no traffic coming and you get hit on back passenger side?

Obviously, there was traffic coming and you failed to yield to it. You will be charged.

Driver a is making a left turn driver b is going straight but driver b hits driver a passenger side of driver a car. who is at fault?

To tell you the truth, You both are at fault. If you go to court, usually they will tell you that it's the person that didn't have the right - of - way's fault.

What is the corresponding hand signal for making a left turn?

What is the corresponding hand signal for making a left turn?

Who is at fault if A is traveling straight through an intersection on a green signal and B turns left in front of A and A hits B on the right passenger side door?

B is at fault. Drivers making a turn, must yield to oncoming traffic. B is at fault for making a left turn without yielding. There is no general rule that all turning traffic must yield, although some jurisdictions may have such a specialized rule.

Who is at fault when your car gets hit in drivers side passenger door when other car is making a left?

Generally speaking the person opening the door is at fault. I personally know of a couple of such cases and both times the door opener was at fault and at least one of the people was ticketed by the police.

Who is at fault when your making a left Hand turn on a green light and a motorcycle hit you?

if you make a left turn and there is is a collision it is YOUR fault. unless it was a green left turn arrow. the vehicle making the left MUST use caution AND give the right of way to any other vehicles, as I said before unless you have a green left turn arrow As a general rule across the U.S., anytime a motorcycle is involved in a crash with a non-motorcycle vehicle, the non-motorcycle driver will be found at fault. (check the stats).

Chevrolet matiz 2005 1.0 where is the fuel cut off switch?

at the left hand side of the passenger seat is a black rubber button at the left hand side of the passenger seat is a black rubber button

How do you decide who is at fault if an individual traveling through a yellow light is hit by someone who is making a left turn?

A yellow light is a caution light. Therefore the person who is making the left turn is entering into traffic and is the one at fault.