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Entirely situation dependent. Need to know which vehicle had right-of-way in order to determine this.

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Q: Who is at fault when driver B hits Driver A on passenger side when driver A is making left hand turn?
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Driver a is making a left turn driver b is going straight but driver b hits driver a passenger side of driver a car. who is at fault?

To tell you the truth, You both are at fault. If you go to court, usually they will tell you that it's the person that didn't have the right - of - way's fault.

Can a passenger in a vehicle sue driver of that vehicle?

Yes. If the passenger is hurt in an accident caused by the driver, the passenger is fully entitled to sue the driver. In fact even if the passenger is a spouse of the driver, the passenger can sue.

Can you get a ticket in Louisiana for being a passenger in a vehicle when the driver does not have his license on him?

I don't think you can get a ticket for that reason, it was the driver's fault that he forgot his license, not yours.

Should an injured passenger sue the driver of the car they were in?

The injured party should seek compensation from the driver of whichever vehicle was at fault for the accident.

Is a driver at fault if another driver hits them in the rear passenger side?

Not enough info here to give an opinion. Usually rear end collisions are the fault of the stiking driver however there are circumstances when the stuck driver is at fault such as failure to yield , failure to stop or improper lane change etc. The investigating officer will determine who is at fault or a traffic court judge will.

Would the driver be responsible for the passenger's medical bills if the accident was the drivers fault and the driver had a seat belt on and walked away unharmed but the passenger had no seat belt on and got injured?

Probably, but the defense will argue that the passenger contributed to his injuries by not wearing the seat belt which the driver provided.

If a Taxi passenger opens a door at a hotel entrance and a fast car hits the Taxi door as the open door who is at fault Taxi driver or passenger or fast car?

If the taxi driver was in the middle of the road then it wold be the taxi driver fault but if the taxi was on the side of the road then the dumb taxi driver should know that the rule is to open on the right side either way! duhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Is the passenger at fault when they grab the steering wheel and cause a car to lose control and crash?

It would depend upon the circumstances. If the passenger is a fully functioning adult, then yes, it would likely be the passenger's fault. If, however, the passenger was under the charge of the adult driver (such as a young child, or an adult with diminished mental capacity), then it could be argued that the driver created the circumstances in which the crash was liable to occur by placing the passenger in the front seat, and the driver could therefore be found to be at least partially at fault.

Who is at fault if driver a was changing lanes and driver b who was already in the lane hit each other Damage is to driver a's car above front left tire and driver b's car above the back right tire?

Generally the car making the movement, in this case 'A', will be the driver found at fault.

Can you sue a passenger in the at fault vehicle?

only if the passenger contributed to the accident (smoking marijuana causing the driver to get high via second hand, distracting the driver, etc) and can be proved beyond a reasonable doubt.

Driver 1 is turning left. Driver 2 is coming from the opposite direction making a right. Driver 2 makes a wide right turn into far lane Driver 1 crashes into Driver 2's side. Who's at fault?

driver 2 Probably Driver 1, the driver making a right turn is usually considered to have the right of way.

Is the driver who hits another from the rear always at fault?

No. For example if a driver stops at green light and the driver to his rear hits him, it is the driver in front's fault.