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The vehicle that rear ends the vehicle in frontis usually but not always found At Fault. This is because all states require that a driver be in control of his vehicle at all times. If you are certain that it was the fault of the guy in front,Stopping suddenly in front of another driver is a popular insurance scam techniqe,you will probably need witnesses to prove it.

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Q: Who is at fault in a rear-in auto accident?
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Can you sue if at fault in a auto accident?

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What does Florida no fault mean?

a judge in an American court makes the decision as to who is at fault for an auto accident. some states have "no fault" meaning in an accident all parties involved are given a percentage of the accident's fault

What happens when there is an auto accident and neither driver is at fault?

each contributes 50% to liability or fault.

What if you deny fault auto accident and it was your fault?

The insurance company is the one that determines fault so if you deny it, they can still rule against you.

What are your rights as a claimant in an auto accident?

That depends on the nature of the accident, types of insurance coverage you possess, and whether or not you are at fault.

If you are at fault in an auto accident do you have to pay the other persons deductible?

No, you have to pay your deductible.

In a no fault state can negligent party of a auto accident sue for bodily injures?

If there is no fault, then by definition there is no negligent party - negligence implies fault.

If a pedestrian is found at fault for an accident involving a car can they be sued for an auto insurance deductible?

Yes, The at fault party is responsible.

What do you do if you have an auto accident that is not your fault?

You should file an Auto Accident report with your local authorities, this is a standard procedure for any accident whether you are at fault or not. If you have sustained damages or injuries you should also file a loss notice or a claim with the other party's insurer to receive compensation for your loss.

What is a person called that causes an auto accident because they backed out of there driveway?

At fault driver

Does Texas have a No-Fault insurance policy?

According to, Texas is one of the states which has some form of no-fault law.

What are your rights after a auto accident?

Simply put, it is the at-fault party's responsibility to pay for the damage caused in an accident. If you live in a no-fault state, then you and your insurance company will pay for your own injuries, but the at-fault party is responsible for property damage.