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You are charged, and responsible. The law in every state requires the driver entering the roadway to yield to traffic travelling on the roadway.

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Q: Who is at fault if you pull out of a private driveway and a car has to stop to avoid hitting you and the car behind them rear ends them?
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Honestly, not totally sure about your state, but in most...if there is no damage and it happens on private property, then it is not considered an accident.

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A pizza delivery driver will have to park in a parking spot or driveway to avoid getting a ticket.

What is the proper action when an animal is on the road?

Your main concern when an animal is on the road is to avoid having a traffic accident. If you swerve off the road to avoid hitting an animal, and as a result you hit a tree, that is worse than hitting the animal, since you are much more likely to be injured or killed, to say nothing of the car repair bills. If the animal is small, such as a rabbit, it is much less dangerous to your car than a larger animal such as a deer or a moose. Hitting a moose is quite dangerous, so try not to do that. Remember that there may be other cars behind you, and if you brake too rapidly, the cars behind you may hit your car. You do not want to involve other cars in a traffic accident. So avoid animals if possible, but run them over if necessary to avoid a more serious accident. In heavy traffic, don't even try to avoid a small animal; the risk is too great.

When you back up your car what do you do?

Check your surroundings to avoid hitting something.

Are you at fault if your car was hit from behind because you stopped on the highway to avoid hitting an animal?

NO, you are definetly not at fault.You saved a poor helpless animal. not being funny.

Who is at fault when a car backing out of a driveway strikes a car going by too fast?

Generally, the one who was backing out of the driveway, because they are the one with duty to yield and also because they had the "last clear chance" to avoid the accident.

Who is at fault in an auto accident on private property when the party with the damages is illegally parked?

A parked car almost never crashes into others or does anything else that prevents other drivers on private property from stopping in time to avoid hitting it. Therefore, the fact that it may be "illegally parked" usually has nothing to do with why someone negligently crashed into it.

How do you avoid the pieces of the cave from hitting you on poptropica?

you just doge them. there isn't a way to destroy them