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This question is impossible to specifically answer without a lot more information. However, it possible to discuss some variables which would impact the determination of fault. For example, IF the driver pulling out [vehicle 1] confirmed, BEFORE moving his/her vehicle, that it WAS SAFE to do so, and then WHILE he/she was pulling away, a person in the second vehicle opened the door in front of, or into contact with, the first vehicle, THEN THE FAULT would lie with the person who opened the door of the second vehicle. The driver of vehicle 1 is obligated to avoid a collision if possible, but is not responsible if circumstances preclude his/her ability to do so. On the other hand, IF, for example, the driver of vehicle 1 actually observed the open door of vehicle 2, and pulled out in spite of an obvious hazard, and struck the open door, then the fault should lie with driver 1. Also, if driver 1 pulled out WITHOUT EVEN LOOKING, then again, the fault should be with driver 1. Determination of fault in this type of collision if very difficult to accomplish, unless for example, a video surveilence camera clearly captured the above discussed actions, or the absense of those actions, the TIMING of those actions, and WHO did WHAT, WHEN. Good luck. j3h

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Q: Who is at fault if the driver of a parked car pulls away and hits the open door of the parked car in the next space?
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If the facts are as stated in the question, then the driver pulling into the space would be at fault. HOWEVER - the other driver's defense will very likely be that YOU opened the door on THEM. Without independent, non-interested witnesses it is going to be almost impossible to prove fault one way or the other.

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Any time the driver who is backing is at fault, in all 50 states.

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It would be your fault, so your insurance company will pay. Unless of course, you have no insurance or you flee then his/her "no-fault" insurance would pay for the damage.