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Sorry but you are At Fault in this situation even if a vehicle stops in front of you because in the eyes of the law you must leave enough room between you and the next vehicle to stop at all times. If not you are apt to be cited for following too close in a rear end collision.

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Q: Who is at fault if a car stops suddenly in front of you and you swerve left of the double yellow to avoid car?
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The first step of the swerve to avoid technique is to identify the potential hazard or obstacle in your path. This allows you to anticipate the need to swerve and begin planning your course of action.

Who is at fault when on a double yellow two lane road a car stops suddenly you go into the left lane to avoid the collision and the car turns left Car possibly had a right turn signal on?

Sorry but you are at fault.

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swerve /\ l l you know how this guy said to swerve, well, the question he should of used was how do i avoid a car crash. sorry, i just had to say that

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The jeep can pull the trailer but it's very dangerous. The problem is the overall weight of the boat and trailer is greater than your tow vehicle. If you need to stop suddenly the boat will push you right into what you are trying to avoid. If you have to swerve suddenly you can easily loose control. I would not recommend you attempt.

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You should avoid overtaking on a double yellow line, hill, curve or any weather condition where you can't safely see if you can overtake the vehicle in front of you.

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device, plan, plot, method duck, dart, swerve, sidestep, evade, avoid, escape, get away from, elude

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The ship was travelling too fast to avoid the iceberg. When the look-out navigators spotted the berg, they attempted to swerve but did not have enough time to change their direction to avoid the collision.

When is a pedestrian at fault for a car accident?

If the pedestrian illegaly, unexpectedly, and dangerously enters the flow of traffic causing a vehicle operator to swerve their vehicle in order to avoid them.

Who is at fault when a car avoid hitting turning car and hit car coming head on?

that would be the car turning because the car that had to swerve to avoid it hit another vehicle due to the turning car's failure to yield.

What does avoid maneuver mean in regard to driving directions?

Ok lets say you are driving in your lane on the right and the vehicles coming at you on your right lane the avoid maneuver would mean that you would swerve right NOT LEFT to avoid the collision. Because you never know if guy looked down to check where his cell phone fell or something and when he looks up he will swere back into his lane but you dont know if he will realize that he is in wrong lane before you two collide so you brake and swerve right