The other car is at fault. If you couldn't avoid the accident and the other guy was in the wrong lane, he will be responsible for all damages.
Changing lane should be at fault because the driver should be able to control the car against hitting another car. The changing lane driver only has a case if it is illegal to use the side road.
If you are in a turning lane, and the other vehicle turns into you while they are in a straight lane, then they should be at fault. If the accident ends up in court take photos of the intersection to help plead your case.
Technically, it is the other guy's fault. But it will probably be you that has to pay up.
It is always the fault of the person entering into traffic when an accident occurs.
The car passing with an illegal lane change.
It seems that the primary cause of the accident was that you lost control of your vehicle and may or may not have left your lane. It is probably your fault but I'm not sure. Whatever the police officer wrote on the report if law and is most likely final. If you left your lane then you are at fault. If you stayed in your lane during the entire skidding and stopping, then the other party should have been far enough away to stop but that doesn't sound like what happened. If it was written up as your fault it most likely was.
A vehicle that has an accident while doing an illegal maneuver is automaticly at fault.However the other may be at fault too depending on the circumstance. additional thought here The motorcycle may have a problem because they don't belong in the carpool lane.
Sorry but the other car has the right of way even if they were partially at fault for excessive speed etc,inattention, etc basically you made an unsafe lane change not yeilding
The one attempting to pass on the left ... the left turn lane is for just that, left turns, never passing other cars and merging back to the right again. The police report will have that information ... providing the police were called and filled out an accident report. If not, it will be tough, if not impossible, to solve for fault.
You as the driver will be considered the at-fault party, being that cyclists and pedestrians always have the right of way.