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Insurance Agents by law are not permitted to process insurance claims, It's not their job. This would be a conflict of interest for the Agent. All the agent can do is forward information and facilitate information exchange and put you in touch with your Claims Adjuster. An agent who attempts to interfere with the claim can lose their job and possibly their agents license if they overstep their authority when it comes to claims.

Insurance Agents are not licensed as Claims Adjusters.

Agents are licensed as "Insurance Agents". Adjusters are licensed as "Insurance Adjuster". They are in totally different departments and have totally different job descriptions and responsibilities. So it does not appear that your agent is doing anything wrong.

The person you need to contact for help with your claim is the Claims Adjuster assigned to you, not your insurance agent.

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Q: Who do you report your insurance agent to if they don't help you with a claim?
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Yes, if a police report was filed then it is probably on your motor vehicle report. The good news is that with most insurance companies, if the insurance company did not pay any loss or no more than $400 then the accident is not chargeable. If it was a one car accident, no problem, otherwise you may want to check to make sure nothing was paid to the other party or their company without your knowledge. As a matter of full disclosure, I own and operate a small Independent Insurance Agency and have for the part 22 years. Before that I worked as an agent for a direct writer insurance company.

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No, if you file another claim on it then it might be.

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If it was their fault, their insurance company will cover the damages of your vehicle. I would hope that the person at fault has filed the claim already but you need to make certain. I also hope that a police report was done at the time of the accident.

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Yes. You can purchase insurance for a house you do not live in. You may not be able to use your present company or agent. Still, call your agent for more information. When one insurance company would not write insurance on a house for me, a friend told me about an agent who would.

How can you find out if a claim been cashed if you dont know the insurance company name?

you'll need to find out the insurance company name.