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Backing into a pole hardly warrants a police report. Police reports are commonly done only when two vehicles collide on a public street.

You simply go to your insurance agent and tell them that you backed into a pole, and they will take it from there and tell you what has to happen to get the repairs done.

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Q: Will your insurance cover you if you back into a pole and dont have a police report?
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Can you get arrested for refusal to file a police report for something stolen?

No. But if you get your money stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your money back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your jewelry or furniture stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your jewelry or furniture back. If you get your car stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your car back. If you get your bike stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your bike back. The point is if you get something stolen and you don't file a police report, you won't get your stuff back. But they're not allowed to put you in jail for refusal to report a stolen car, bike, jewelry, money etc. You won't go to jail for refusal to report a stolen object, but whatever you got stolen, you won't get it back.

What is the proper practice for filing this claim?

First, contact the police in the jurisdiction where the accident occurs. Don't admit fault but explain the truth of what happened to the police. The police report will explain the facts of the event and the insurance companies will work out fault. If you live in a no-fault state it will be different. Call the phone number on the back of your card and report the accident to your insurance company. You can also report the accident to your agent. If you have an agent it will be a great advantage to you in that you will have someone to assist you with questions and help you in dealing with your company.

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How do i get my property back that was stolen from me?

You have to file a police report. Hopefully the police will be able to return the goods.

What can you do if your insurance refuses to pay for damage from a hit and run accident and you have no information about the other driver?

If you don't have hit and run coverage listed in your policy then the insurance company does not have to pay for, most insurance companies do not cover hit and runs If you only have public liability which is the lowest levels of any auto insurance, then your car will not get paid for because your policy only covers other cars in case you're at fault. Uninsured motorist will cover your car IF there is a police report that was written. The report will show that you were hit but could not obtain any other information. If you are alone you may have a hard time proving this because witnesses ot the event will help a great deal, as was the case with my hit and run crash a few years back. Full coverage will pay for your car regardless and if it is hit and run, you don't have to pay that most hated deductible, but above all else, GET THAT POLICE REPORT!

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Does a police report opinion accident liability? If for an example a car Toyota crashes in the back of a neon. and the police listed it on the report his oppion is that the neon slammed on his break, and didnt have break lights.

Someone hit us with no insurance gave false info he said by accident won't call us back what should we do dont have a police report do we call police now to make a reportor file small claims?

U need 2 do both>First call police then go from there.

Who is at fault if you back out of your driveway and into another car backing out of their driveway?

Both are equally at fault and you may both have to use your own insurance to pay the damage. If a police report was filed, then the police will determine the % of fault to each person. CORRECTION - Your INSURANCE COMPANY will determine the fault - not the police. Yes, it may be a 50/50 situation, unless one party admits 100% fault.

How can you get the name of an insurance company from the code on the accident report?

there should also be a 'key' or code translation attached to the report (will be a list and for example say state farm=2351, allstate=3536) if it wasn't included in what you got, call the police dept back and request one..

A person got hit from the back by you and all she got from you were your car lisncee plate number and a business check for 3500 and your pH no. can she still file a police report aftr couple of days?

she can file a police report and acuse you of leaving the scene of an accident, in New York, New Jersey a warrant for your arrest can be issued and suspension of licence is a big possibiliy, i sugest you report it to your insurance co. for your protection

Should you file a theft report?

You must file a theft report if you intend to make a claim against your insurance. Also if it was an expensive item, you should file the theft report because arrests are being made all the time. If a person is arrested for a crime and the police see that expensive item, you will probably get it back rather than having it sold at a police auction and the money going to the state.

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