The black book car values are calculated by comparing the actual sale prices for a vehicle. Other books determine the value of a vehicle by its appraised value.
Black book car values are values for used cars determined by a specific company. The values depend on the car's make/model and condition. Black book car values can be found online.
There are black book car values and these are not fake. They list the values on cars that would be sold in the public market and not by dealerships nationwide.
You can find information regarding black book car values at the following or I hope this helps you.
Some of the books that give the value of various cars include the Kelly Blue Book, Canadian Black Book and the ClearBook used car values. The books are all updated frequently to reflect market changes.
Upon extensive research of the Black Book US website it does not appear that there is anywhere that one can check car values. From viewing the site it appears that one must subscribe in order to access the service. Further research has shown that on the Canadian Black Book site one can enter the information on the home page and follow the prompts to find the value of a vehicle.
I have just started a car values blog where you can access the Canadian black price free.
Kelly Blue book is the ultimate resource for finding out the correct price ranges for your car. They have in fact renovated their website to make it more user friendly.
Information on old car values is freely available online. The NADAguides and Classiccars websites carry a wealth of jargon-free information on the subject. Also, take a look at the Black Book.
One book which is most popular, known as 'the Kelly blue book' lists the ideal amount of car values. This book, due to its popularity, is most up to date and gives all recent values on cars.
Bluebooks for car values can be found from many different sources. The most reliable online source for car values is the official Kelley Blue Book website.
Blue Book values are determined by several things. They judge a car by year, the shape it is in and what kind of equipment it has.
I believe you are looking for the kelly blue book value of cars. In fact, they have just renovated their website to allow you multiple new options for locating the correct price for your automobile.