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This is a no brainer ... if the other driver has no insurance, how possibly could their non-existent insurance be responsible for medical? The only recourse here is to take the other driver to court and sue for damages. Chances are you will still get nothing - most likely if someone cannot afford auto insurance, they certainly could not afford any out of pocket medical expenses.

This is why most motorists have to carry under-insured and un-insured auto insurance on their policies ... for your own protection.

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Q: Who's auto insurance is responsible for medical if the other driver does not have insurance?
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What if you are in a car wreck with no insurance and the other driver is at fault?

Doesn't matter at all. You are required to have insurance and the fact that the other driver may be responsible does not protect you at all.

When you do not have any insurance AND the person who took your car without permission has no insurance and causes an accident who is responsible of the other parties damages?

You hope that the other driver responsible in the crash has insurance that covers uninsured drivers and then you sue your friend!

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You do not have to reimburse your insurance company if the accident is the fault of the other driver and the claim is made on their insurance. If the accident is the fault of the other driver and their insurance does not cover everything and you make a claim on your insurance for reimbursement, your insurance will subrogate (collect back) from the other company.

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driver's insurance has coverage for a specific amount of medical coverage for injury and even death. check with the other driver to see the coverage and report it to the other driver's insurance company to find out the process to have the bills paid.

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The driver at fault is always responsible for damages incurred during an accident. The at fault insurance company is responsible for damages to your car.

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No, The other persons Insurer is not responsible for the coverages or lack of coverage you decided to purchase from your own insurer.

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Covers medical expensives for you and passengers, will cover damages if other driver who is At Fault doesnt have insurance.

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liability insurance goes with the driver, so the drivers insurance would pay for it. If the driver does not have insurance, then the owner of the car's insurance would pay if the vehicle was knowingly lent.

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Covers medical expensives for you and passengers, will cover damages if other driver who is at fault doesnt have insurance.

Will your insurance pay the medicare lien if the other parties insurance liability is not sufficient to cover the entire settlement amount?

No. I assume that you were in a car accident and that you had injuries. I assume that you had medical expenses that were not covered by insurance. I assume that you own a house and there is a lien on that house to pay the cost of the medical care. I assume that the insurance settlement took 2-3 years to settle. I assume that your settlement amount paid by the other driver's insurance policy was less than the cost of your medical care. There is no other "insurance" to rely upon to pay the cost of the medical are that was not covered by your insurance and that was not covered in full by the amount of money you received from the other driver's insurance company.

If you had an accident that was your fault you have uninsured motorist coverage the other driver was uninsured do you have to pay all the costs?

The at fault driver is responsible regardless of who has or does not have insurance. You were at fault, you get the bill. Fortunately though you have insurance. So they get the bill.

Insured motorist hit uninsured unlicensed driver - who's responsible?

The insured motorist is typically responsible for the damage caused in a car accident, regardless of the other driver's insurance or licensing status. The insured motorist's insurance policy may cover the cost of damages depending on the specific coverage. It is important to report the accident to the insurance company and let them handle the details.