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Q: Which term refers to the amount of coverage embraced in the premium quotation the rare manual?
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What term refers to the amount of coverage embraced in premium quotation in the rate manual?

standard limits

What terms is the amount you or your employer pays in exchange for insurance coverage?

It is called a premium.

What term refers to the amount you or your employer pays in exchange for insurance coverage?

The premium is the dollar amount paid in exchange for insurance coverage.

What is the amount you or your employer pays in exchange for insurance coverage called?

The term is "premium".

Which term refers to the amount you or your employer pays in exchange for insurance coverage?

Premium a+

What is a fee paid to the insurer to be covered under the specified terms?

The amount paid to the insurer to provide coverage is the premium.

What is payment for insurance?

Payment of insurance is nothing but the premium paid towards the insurance policy. The premium amount includes the charge of coverage per unit (for example, the charge of coverage for $1000 might be $10. So, to have an insurance coverage for $10,000 the charge of coverage would be $100) plus the expenses incurred by the insurance company for the policy.

What is an auto insurance yearly premium?

An auto insurance premium is how much you are paying to receive coverage from the insurance company. While some companies offer semi-annual premiums, others will offer annual premiums. Each coverage you elect to carry will have their own premium amount. The total premium is found by adding all of these premiums together.

Does full coverage insurance pay for a rental car?

Some policies automatically include a minimal amount of rental reimbursement coverage, but generally your policy includes no coverage for rental reimbursement if it is not listed with a premium on your declarations page.

How do you determine how much life insurance you need?

= To top it all, 5 yrs after you've fully paid, you may opt to get the the whole amount of your Insurance Coverage and the whole amount of premiums you've paid plus dividend it will earn, will be return to you = = (ROP: Return Of Premium . If you choose to get only the ROP and its earned dividend your full coverage will still earn interest and that you can live to your family. Please visit the Life Insurance web page and know the amount of Insurance Coverage you can get for a certain amount of premium. = = = = and = = after you get more than 1/2 of your coverage =

What is the capacity of the person in an insurance company that calculates premiums?

An actuary is a highly skilled mathematician. He/she is employed by insurance companies to calculate insurance rates. Rates are the cost of insurance per $1000 of coverage. Premiums derive from rates such that multiplying the rate times the amount of insurance (in thousands of dollars) results in the premium.An actuary calculates insurance rates. A rate is the cost per $1000 of coverage. Therefore, the premium is calculated by multiplying the amount of coverage times the rate. Accordingly, indirectly, an actuary calculates the premium.

What should I ask before obtaining a guaranteed issue coverage?

You should ask what the benefits are, what is covered, the amount of premiums. Typically guaranteed issue coverage has a higher premium than other type of coverage. Also ask if it is a temporary ot permenant coverage.