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An auto insurance premium is how much you are paying to receive coverage from the insurance company. While some companies offer semi-annual premiums, others will offer annual premiums. Each coverage you elect to carry will have their own premium amount. The total premium is found by adding all of these premiums together.

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Q: What is an auto insurance yearly premium?
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What is the yearly premium for AAA auto club?

The premium for the AAA auto club is calculated by the auto club and is dependent upon your place of residence and number of drivers on the account.

What is the average premium for md car insurance?

In 2009 the average auto insurance premium for residents in Maryland is $2,295.

Do you pay auto insurance yearly or monthly?

well there are those who pay monthly and yearly it depends.

Is it required to notify you when I have terminated my auto insurance with you and gone with another company?

Nope. You can opt to get insurance from a different insurer at your will and there is no need to intimate your existing insurance provider. Note: If you fail to pay your yearly premium, the insurer will automatically nullify your policy and you no longer will be covered by their policy

What are premiums for auto insurance?

The premium is the price you pay for your auto insurance. This will vary greatly depending on location, drivers, accidents, vehicles, etc.

Do you have to disclose the premium cost on a previous auto insurance policy declaration requested by your new auto insurance company to prove prior coverage in Michigan?

You shouldn't have to disclose the premium, just the prior insurance carrier and policy number. What do you care if they see the premium anyway? It's not like they are going to adjust your new premium one way or the other.

What is discount in insurance?

In life insurance, discount is allowed on more of premium i.e. quarterly, half yearly or yearly payment of premia. Similiarly, in health insurance, when a person covers his sopuse, dependent children or parents, he/she is entitled to a family discount.

What is auto insurance premium?

An auto insurance premium, like any insurance premium, is the amount of money that is paid on a periodic basis to an insurer in consideration for which the insurer accepts financial liability for a designated range of risks. Typically, the duration, terms and conditions of the risk transfer are enumerated in a written insurance policy, as is the amount of the premium to be paid and the frequency of payment. Try this site where you can get quotes from different companies

What is a premium for auto insurance?

Your premium is pretty much your monthly bill, after deciding what type of deductible you plan on choosing. The higher deductible the lower your premium will be.

Is it a good idea to have legal insurance with your auto insurance?

Legal insurance is not the same as auto insurance; legal insurance is simply a retainer that is paid to an attorney or lawyer so that they can be help in counsel if they are needed. Auto insurance, depending on the level and premium paid, provides coverage in case of an accident.

What is the cost of the premium of auto insurance?

Insurance premium costs vary by a number of factors, location, age, driving record, model and make of car. You need to check locally

Will a 2 point traffic ticket increase your auto insurance premium?

yes it may