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Q: Which protects person who is at fault in an accident against lawsuits when someone injures?
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they both get hit by the speeding truck

What causes the accident that injures sandy lobs girl by joan aiken?

In the short story "The Accident" by Joan Aiken, Sandy causes the accident that injures the girl while driving his father's car recklessly. He loses control of the vehicle and crashes into the girl, resulting in her injury. The story highlights the consequences of irresponsible behavior and the impact it can have on others.

What does product liability insurance protect a business?

It provides liability coverage for claims, lawsuits, judgements and legal defense cost for the insured in the event that your product injures or kills some body.

What spinal nerves may be involved in the case where a woman injures her neck in a car accident and now has difficulty breathing?

It should be the nerve to diaphragm.

In a no fault state can negligent party of a auto accident sue for bodily injures?

If there is no fault, then by definition there is no negligent party - negligence implies fault.

What is a unintentional?

An unintentional tort is what most torts are. The opposite of an intentional tort-something that is done on accident that seriously injures or kills another person but can be linked to negligence.

Can an insurance Co go after a minor for an accident on a bicycle?

No, these company are working for profit only ,if the bring a rule in small minor injures in matter ,then it will make the company in loss.

Does homeowners insurance pay for an accident of someone who lives in the house and injures themselves on the property?

It's called "personal liability" coverage, and virtually all homeowners policies have it.

How accident effects at work compensation?

If an employee injures themselves on the job, there is workers compensation that will be offered to the employee. The point of workers compensation is to supplement the income of an injured person while they are not able to work.

What is the problem in the story The Outsiders?

jonnny is dies from the fire injures jonnny is dies from the fire injures

What does indirect causation mean?

A direct cause is when you can determine beforehand the result: for example a car accident makes a dent on the car, or injures the passengers.An indirect cause is a chain of effects, that are difficult or impossible to predict. Usually the chain involves a human factor.For example a car accident injures a person, the person then becomes depressed and later kills herself.or maybe the accident affects emotinally someone of the helpers, who then decides to change cause: I fall on poison ivy -> I get itchy rashindirect cause: I fall on poison ivy -> I get itchy rash, I scratch itching rash -> it starts bleeding aka indirect cause: 'falling on poison ivy makes my hand bleed'

What happens if the person pushing the wheelchair hurts or injures or kills the rider?

Jail Time, It All Depends On What Happened. Like if You Pushed Him off a Cleft or Into a Pool Or In front of a Bus Then Its Murder xD But if You Did something By Accident It Might Be Alright Depends on Where You Live,