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This is a question that has no real answer. It's like asking whether apples or Oranges are better. It depends on your situation. Liability only covers the person you hit and their damage if its your fault. It is usually required by state law in most states. Comprehensive and Collision are coverages that cover physical damage to your vehicle and are additions that are added to a liability policy. You can buy liability without Comp and Collision but not Comp and Collision without liability under most circumstances.

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Q: Which is better liability or collision car insurance?
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Is collision car insurance more expensive than liability only?

The personal liability portion of your car insurance is for damage you may cause to others. The collision portion of your car insurance is for your vehicle. If your vehicle is very old, with lots of miles and is not worth much, you may consider not getting it.

What type of insurance covers the other driver's car in a collision?

That would be liability coverage.

What part of your insurance covers someone running into a fence?

The person's collision insurance should cover the damage to their car, and their liability insurance should cover the damage to the fence and property. If they have no collision insurance, they will have to fix their car on their own.

What is the difference between collision and liabiltiy insurance?

Collision protects you and your car if you are in an accident, liability protects whomever you may hit.

What type of insurance is needed if you hit another car?

Basic liability insurance. This covers the person you hit. Comprehensive and collision covers your car.

What are the different types of car insurance offered in California?

There are many different types of car insurance offered in California. You can get liability, collision, or full coverage.

If you are driving someone else's car does your liability insurance pay repairs to the vehicle you are driving?

No, liability insurance is when there are injuries involved. If you are injured in an accident when someone else is driving your car, your liability insurance would cover your medical costs. Comprehensive and collision insurance on the car you were driving should pay for damages to the vehicle.

What is covered under CDW insurance?

The CDW (Collision Damage Waiver) insurance covers the following: Liability, collision, theft and other damage. This sort of insurance is offered by car rental companies.

Can I get Car Insurance that only covers liability and property damage?

Yes, you can get auto insurance that only covers liability and property damage. However, you will need to purchase collision insurance if there is a lien on your vehicle.

You have liability insurance but no collision coverage and your car was hit by another driver will their insurance cover your damages?

Yes, if they accept liability and they will pay up to the limit of property damage coverage.

What type of car insurance does GMAC offer?

GMAC offers car insurance which covers liability for body injury, liability for damage to property, car collision, medical expenses, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection.

What insurance should get for a new car?

Seven types of insurance should get for a new car as like: Liability Insurance Collision Insurance Comprehensive Insurance Motorist Protection Personal-Injury Protection No-Fault Insurance Gap Insurance