Car manufacturer
Well the safest vehicle is probably some heavy duty truck, but as far as an actual car goes Volvo makes the safest cars hands down, probably the xc90 or s60 is one of the safest
Hyundai is the car manufacturer that makes the Accent model of cars, which is very popular with youth. It is popular because it has clean lines and a fast engine.
The safest car to have that is a convertable is a Honda X2V. It is one of the most safest cars around int he whole world. It is nice and very expansive.
The Tata Motors owned Land Rover auto manufacturer currently makes the Freelander model.
There isn't a car manufacturer who makes a Pusy model. The name must have been mixed up with some other model or perhaps it was the name of the car dealership from where the cars are purchased
Maserati is an Italian luxury car manufacturer established on December 1, 1914, in Bologna
The safest brand of cars is the German brand Volvo, which has steadily done well in safety tests for years. They are well-designed and durable. The company has tried very hard to maintain a quality car, and has thus far succeeded.