Lots of places want used cars. Goodwill, Car Talk are the commonly known ones. Be careful to be sure that you will get a credit, and see if they will pick up your vehicle.
To donate a car a place that would be recommended is your local Goodwill. The donation is tax credited which means you can put it on your taxes and get paid for it.
Most local churches will allow you to donate your car and it is also possible to donate a car to be raffled off with the proceeds going to child cancer patients.
Donate A Car Canada @ www.donateacarcanda.com
Yes, it is possible to donate a used car. One could donate a used car from charity, or give it to someone for free. Donating a used car is usually free to do.
You can donate your car to many charities including Donate Car USA, Purple Heart, Habitat for Humanity, or Cars Helping America, just to name a few. Regardless of where you donate your car, you should be able to receive a tax credit for your next tax return.
all you have to do is get a new title to donate then.
Some of the best charities to donate your used car to are www.donate-car-for-charity.com www.donateacar.com www.kars4kids.org
sure why not but i don't know, i have absolutely no idea. But why would you want to donate your car?
You can donate your car to any charity and the car is given to some one very needy. If you are in a position to donate your car odds are that you are not eligible to have a car being donated to you.
There is a car donation tax credit if you donate your old car to an authorized charity. The current deduction value limit is $500.
Yes, car donations are deductible. Check with the group you donate the car to. If the organization you donate to is a registered charity, yes.