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under the dash.drivers side.remove the panel behind the steering coulem .

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Q: Where is the brake pressure switch on 1993 peterbilt model379?
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Where is the brake light switch located on a peterbilt 387?

There is no brake light switch. There is a brake light pressure censor that is located under the cab where the driver's seat is. T.R.

Where is the brake light switch located on a peterbilt 359?

On the brake pedal itself.

Where is brake light switch on peterbilt?

It's attached to the brake pedal arm.

Where is the brake light switch on a 1995 Peterbilt 379?

Should be to the left of the clutch pedal.

Where is the brake light switch located on a peterbilt 379?

the brake light switch is an air over elec. switch located in an air block on the floor behind steering shaft

How does a brake light switch work on a Peterbilt?

There's continuous power supplied to the circuit. When the switch contacts, it closes the circuit and allows the power to go to the brake lights.

Why would my brake lights stay on with my 2001 peterbilt 379?

Stuck brake light switch, or a short to power somewhere in the brake light circuit.

Where is the brake switch located on 92 Peterbilt model 377?

behind the panel right in front of the throttle pedal

What is the working pressure of air in brake light switch in air-brake vehicles?

The brake light switch is not air actuated.

Why your cruise control don't work on a 1998 peterbilt?

Bad switch, bad wiring, ECM fault. If your jake brakes still work, you can rule out the accelerator position switch. The brake position switch might be reading that the brake is depressed when it isn't.

How do you hook up brake light switch on 2005 peterbilt?

It's just a weatherpack terminal. Literally a plug and play device.

What causes the brake lights to flash when engaging the left turn signal on a 2002 peterbilt 379 tractor?

Short to power in the brake light circuit. Most likely, the fault is in the switch itself.