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Q: Where do you put fluid in a 690 Massey Ferguson?
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The same oil as you put in the engine!

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There is a spout on the rear close to under the seat. See picture

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To the left of the gear shift lever, large plug on top of transmission. Fill here,

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Right side of engine right past the cab if it has one.

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some of the 50 series tractors have a little plastic container on the left side of the steering column console that holds brake fluid.

Where do you put oil in a Massey Ferguson 165?

in the oil filler hole

Where do you put hydraulic fluid in a Massey Ferguson 165?

There is a cap right next to the gear shifters. It's about 1-3/4" dia or so with a hex head on top. The hydraulics share the same fluid as the transmission.

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where to put hydralic fluid in tractor \ massey ferguson 1983, 698 engine