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Follow the local traffic rules. Stay a safe distance behind. Be defensive in case of any changes in traffic conditions. Do the same as you would do in normal heavy traffic on a level road.

If there are no restrictions on PASSING, no painted lines or stripes, no NO PASSING signs, and no on coming traffic coming down the hill, then it may be safe to pass.

Remember, traffic is not slow only on uphill, it can be slow on level ground. Everyone becomes impatient. If you are impatient, pull over park for a few minutes, call someone, or just appreciate the fact that you are going to arrive safely.

It was not too long ago that there were no cars. People would walk, or go by horse and wagon. There were no planes. It would take 24 hrs to travel what you can in one hour these days. Imagine what it was like in those days.

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Q: When you be caught behind a very slow truck going up a long hill you should stay behind it until you reach the top of the hill and the way is clear?
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