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you should stay behind it till zigzag road comes to end and then overtake it from the right side

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Q: When you are caught behind a very slow truck going up a long hill you should?
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When you are caught behind a very slow truck going up a long hill you sould?

Stay behind the truck until you can safely pass. The last thing you want to do is pass that truck going up a hill unless the hill is so long as to have a passing zone.

When you are caught behind a very slow truck going up a long hill you should pass on?

If you're in a country which drives on the right, you'd pass it on the left. If you're in a country which drives on the left, you should pass it on the right.

When driving behind a slow-moving truck going up a hill you should?

Be patient

When you are caught behind a very slow truck going up a long hill what should you do?

Be patient and wait for a safe opportunity to pass.

If your car broke down on the highway and you got hit from behind by a truck who is at fault?

Well it's his fault cause he should have been watching were he was going.

How should a Chevrolet truck be towed?

towed as in by a wrecker or as in behind a motorhome.

What should i do When traveling behind large trucks?

You should always stay a safe distance behind large trucks. They have a lot of blind spots and are unable to see smaller cars and trucks. You should also stay back because you never know what is going to fall out of the back or if the truck is going to kick up a rock and hit your car or windshield.

If your going 70 miles per hour 20 miles behind a truck traveling 50 how long will it take you to overtake the truck?

One hour

If your going 70 miles per hour 20 miles behind a truck traveling 50 how long will it take you to overtake the truck-?

One hour

Where is the fuel pump relay on 1987 Toyota truck?

on a 1989 Toyota truck it should be behind the kick panel, under the ECU

Who is at fault when one truck hits another truck from behind when in motion?

the truck behind the other car

How many feet should a car be behind a fire truck?

You must be at least 500ft