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If you own a car outright and have paid off loans used to buy it, you are no longer required to have full coverage insurance for it. At this point, it a personal choice. If your car has worth that you cannot afford to lose in the case of an at-fault collision or theft. On the other hand, if the vehicle is older or not worth so much, it may not be worth it to pay for full coverage insurance.

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Q: When would you not carry full coverage auto insurance?
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Does car insurance cover a car that was broken into?

It depends on whether or not you carry comprehensive coverage on your car. Comp is an optional coverage if you own the car outright and may be a mandatory coverage if you have a loan on it. But the comp coverage would only pay for repair to the car. If you have items in the car that were stolen, however, they would actually be covered by your homeowner's or renter's insurance and NOT your auto insurance.

What auto insurance coverage is glass replacement under?

It would normally be part of the comprehensive coverage.

Can you carry auto insurance with no car?

You have to have a vehicle to carry auto insurance.

What are the requirements for PA auto insurance?

In PA you are required to carry at least liability coverage. This is the law in most states.

Does homeowners insurance cover theft of car from driveway?

Homeowners insurance and Auto TheftNo. Homeowners Insurance does not provide coverage for Automobiles. You will need to file that with your Auto Insurance company if you have comprehensive Auto Coverage.More sNO. That would be something that auto insurance would cover if you had full coverage including theft. Homeowners, does not cover motorized vehicles, except in specific cases.

Is full coverage auto insurance required for auto financing?

Yes, full coverage auto insurance is required for auto financing. This rule protects the bank if you have an accident.

Can your employer insist that you carry full coverage auto insurance?

If your vehicle is being used for company/business purposes, yes.

Is towing coverage provided on my auto insurance policy?

Some auto insurance policies do provide towing coverage. It is listed in your policy whether the coverage is provided or not.

Does gap insurance cover theft?

Yes, But only if there is a gap in the final loss payment by the underlying auto insurance policy. If there is no underlying Auto Insurance theft coverage then the Gap Policy is null and void and no coverage would ensue.

Do you need to carry full coverage auto insurance if your car is paid off and has no trade-in value?

You only need the minimum liability insurance, what the state requires.

Does one need to carry liability car insurance in Ohio?

Yes in the state of Ohio you need to have insurance on your auto the min you may have is $12,500 per person on bodily injury coverage. Ohio law you must on any auto have insurance and there is a min coverage law set by the state of Ohio.

In an auto accident in California do you bill your auto insurance as the primary insurance or your health insurance?

If you have both medical insurance and auto insurance, the primary company billed will depend on the situation. If your injuries and medical costs were caused by an auto accident and you carry Medical Payments coverage, you will bill your auto insurance provider. If you do not carry Med Pay insurance coverage, as it is optional in the state of California, the circumstances will depend on who is deemed at fault for the accident. If the other party is at fault, you will bill their insurance company and will advise your claims adjuster as well. If you are deemed at fault and do not carry Med Pay, the only insurance you can bill is your medical insurance provider. Be sure your medical insurance provider does not exclude injuries caused in an automobile accident before approving chiropractic care.