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Overlapping coverage, aka, double coverage. etc. The primary policy is generally considered the one providing the broadest coverage for the loss concerned. Any other coverage provided by additional policies should be considered secondary or trailing coverage that can be accessed in teh event your loss exceeds the limits of the primary policy.

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They are called "umbrella" policies.

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What services does RAC travel insurance offer?

RAC provides travel insurance to cover multiple contingencies. They can insure a single trip or provide annual coverage for multiple trips. All their policies cover: medical expenses, cancellation or curtailment, personal liability and loss of money or passport.

What is covered for personal liability insurance?

Personal liability insurance provides additional coverage to other insurance policies. Without personal liability insurance, any thing that one's home or car insurance could not cover, one would have to pay out of pocket. Personal liability insurance will cover those fines.

If your dog is hit by a car does your home insurance cover the damage do to the car?

No, it does not. That is why there are different policies called "home insurance" and "vehicle insurance".(The answer above is not entirely true. The homeowner insurance "liability portion" may pay for the vehicle damage as long as there is not an animal liability exclusion)

Would my commercial auto policy cover contents?

Auto policies, whether personal or commercial will not cover contents within the vehicle. That is not what auto policies are designed to do. You need to have a commercial property and liability policy to cover business property while on premises or off premises.

What does commercial general liability insurance cover regarding contents liability?

The commercial general liability policy provides coverage for liability not contents. If you only have the CGL then there is no contents coverage. Commercial policies are generally put together by adding different policies as needed for particular coverages. There are many different commercial policies that you can combine to become your complete commercial insurance coverage. Discounts are given for combining the policies. Some of the commercial policies available are commercial general liability, commercial auto, commercial property, commercial boiler and machinery, commercial property floaters, and many more to customize the coverages needed.

Does liability insurance cover punitive damages?

In most cases, liability insurance does not cover punitive damages. Punitive damages are imposed as a punishment to the defendant for extreme negligence or intentional harm, and are typically not covered under standard liability policies.

What does RACV Insurance cover?

RACV has multiple insurance policies available to the consumer. They have policies for car, motorcycle, home, trailer or caravan, boat, business, farm, and travel insurance.

Does personal liability umbrella insurance cover you in volunteer positions?

Umbrella policies set on top of personal liability insurance policies. Normally your homeowners policy provides this type of coverage . the umbrella policy should follow the coverage of the personal liability . It may or may not provide coverage for volunteer positions as policies are different from state to state and company to company. You need to consult your personal agent to review you current poliicy to make sure your policy provides the coverage that you are asking about

How do standard home-owners policies differ from condo insurance policies?

There is some liability with condo insurance since a fire in your home could also do damge to a neighbor. Regular home owners wont cover that since buildings are sperated.

What are the typical classic car insurance policies in California?

Liability and physical damage are the typical for Classic cars. It is essential that you have separate coverage as your regular policy does not cover your classic auto.

Does liability auto insurance cover your car if you hit a pole?

No. Liability insurance will only cover your liability for property damage/injuries to others. In this case, it would cover the damage to the pole you hit. Your liability coverage will never cover damage to anything you own. You would need collision/comprehensive coverage to cover damage to your car.