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When it runs on batteries.

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Q: When is a car exempt from emmissions?
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Is a car owner a producer?

Yes a car owner is a producer of carbon emmissions resulting in climate change as a sub-contributor

When is your 1976 car smog exempt?

This depends on where you live Where I am yes it exempt now

When your car gets 25 years old is it smog exempt?

In CT USA it is exempt.

What does 9999999 in mileage on a car title mean?

It means that the milage is exempt. A car must be 10 years old or older for miles to be exempt.

What age of car is exempt from emissions in Ontario?

25 years

How do you spell emmissions?



Vehicles made before 1st Jan 1977 are exempt from 1st April 2017

Do E100 ethanol cars produce emissions?

No pure ethanol produces no CO2 Emmissions but they will produce NOx emmissions

What does exempt on a car title mean?

what state? in pa it usually means you do not have to report the milage because of the year of the car

Can they take your car through a bankruptcy when you still owe on the car?

Bankruptcy covers all you property and all your debt. Some places allow 1 car as exempt from the sale of property, but not all. You need to check your local rules and ask it be exempt at your bankruptcy hearing.

How do you keep a vehicle before you file chapter 7?

You can usually keep your car if you keep making payments. If you own the car free and clear, and below the exempt amount, you can keep the car. If the value is higher than the exempt amount, then you can pay the difference between car value and exemption to the BK trustee.

What is HC ppm?

it's hydro carbons parts per million.. its a way of measuring you engine emmissions and if the car is running "clean" enough to be given an inspection sticker...