

What is HC ppm?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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it's hydro carbons parts per million.. its a way of measuring you engine emmissions and if the car is running "clean" enough to be given an inspection sticker...

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What is HC (ppm) on emissions test?

High Hydrocarbon (HC) emissions are almost always a sign of poor fuel ignition. Hydrocarbons are basically raw fuel. PPM (parts-per-million) is a way of quantifying small concentrations.

You did smog and if fail the HC PPM what should you do?

The check engine light must be on. Start with having the codes read. Your local auto parts store will help you with that at no cost.

What does HC stand for 40'HC?

HC stands for High Cube

On Habbo when your hc expires do you lose all your hc forniture?

No, you get to keep all your hc furni.

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HC on an ultrasound means Head Circumference.

Can you have HC?

You can only buy HC furniture in habbo if you join the Habbo Club (HC). Joining HC costs around 30 coins per month, and will give you one free HC item per month. If you are not HC, you can still have the furniture, but you can not buy it from the catalogue.

What is HC gas?

Normally, HC gas is Hydrocarbon.

When was HC Vladimir created?

HC Vladimir was created in 2008.

When was HC Vrchlabí created?

HC Vrchlabí was created in 1948.

When was HC Most created?

HC Most was created in 1951.

When was Thüringer HC created?

Thüringer HC was created in 2000.

When was HC Merano created?

HC Merano was created in 1968.