I am assuming this is a problem on a high mileage car? It most likely is a problem with the carburetor. The carborator is likely dirty, so take it out and give it a good cleaning with a toothbrush. But due to the lack of details i have no idea what the problem really is
if it has a turbo it means its about to go out.
Time to get a new car!
need to check your evap system or you have a blown head
Your alternator is not keeping the battery charged.
Might be a valve hanging up
Time for a serious tune up.
check engine mounts
take it to a garage there may be something wrong with the fuel delivery system.
Check for a Vacume leak, EGR valve
sounds like it is need of a tune up.
there is actually no problem. it sputters because the engine has to start up and it may be the way you place the key inside the ignition. so don't worry because it isn't a big problem
Not much info to go on but a complete tune up might be in order.