Your home insurance can be cancelled by you at anytime, with written notice. the insurance companies however have a much harder time cancelling then you do. Here in Ontario they need to give you 15 days after written notice by registered letter or 5 days notice after hand delivered and they cannot cancel you for no reason as well, they need a good reason such as you do not meet underwriting criteria or misrepresentation, non-payment. Not much they can cancel you for. More information on your situation is needed to properly answer.
Yes. Non Payment of premium can cause a cancellation or non renewal of an insurance policy.
If it is your home, just look at your insurance policy. It will always tell you the name of your insurance company.
It depends on your insurance policy
Yes, In fact you are required to get your own home insurance when you buy a home. You can not inherit the previous owners insurance policy. The previous owners insurance is null and void the moment they sell the home.
Normally, our own home insurance covers damage to our own home regardless of where the tree came from. However. If your neighbor can establish negligence on the part of the neighboring tree owner, then they can hold the tree owner liable, In which case the tree owners home insurance policy would have to pay for damages to the neighbors home that resulted from negligence. In such a case of established negligence. The tree owners home insurance policy would most likely be cancelled due to a moral hazard.
No, Your Home Owners Insurance policy will not invoke. Your neighbors Home Insurance policy will also not cover if the animal exclusion exists on the policy. there will be no coverage forthcoming from your neighbors Home Owners Insurance policy. It has become common practice to exclude damage and injury resulting from ownership of vicious animals from Home Owners Insurance Policies around the country. Your Own Medical Insurance Policy however will invoke and afford coverage for your medical expenses. Other expenses such as loss of income may also be covered by your medical insurance depending on the coverages afforded by that policy.
No, you can't combine home and auto loans
Home Insurance after a CancellationYou can obtain a new policy from any insurer of your choice. Just make some calls or look online.If the policy has been cancelled for less than 30 days you will likely be assessed no points against you at all by the new insurer. You very likely can even call back the insurer who cancelled your policy and have it reinstated or reissued.Once your Home Insurance has lapsed for 30 days many insurers will consider you ineligible for coverage through their program.
No, That's what you major medical insurance policy is for.
If your previous home insurance policy was cancelled for non-payment, the company you were insured with may choose not to reinstate the policy depending on your history with the company. While this company does not have to reinstate your policy, you will be able to bind insurance with another provider. If this company asks if you have been cancelled previously for non-payment, answer honestly. This will not disqualify you for obtaining insurance, however it may disqualify you from receiving a continuous coverage discount if they offer it.
That would depend on the wording of your policy.
It depends on what caused the damage to the bricks. Did a car run into your brick home, Then the drivers Auto Insurance policy should cover it. Did a storm blow out your bricks, Then your home owners policy would cover it if you have wind storm coverage. If your home is just old and the bricks are crumbling due to age or lack of maintenance, then they may not be covered on your home owners insurance policy. Home owners Insurance, just like auto insurance does not provide coverage for normal wear and tear or for normal maintenence issues.