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You need to have one policy that way you will be eligible for the "multi-car discount"

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Q: When a married couple has two cars should they have one combined auto insurance policy or two separate policies?
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Can married couples have separate car insurance?

Yes, a married couple does not need to have the same car insurance. They can both get their own policies and it may be more economical to do so.

Is it illegal for a married couple to have separate auto insurance policies?

No, in fact it is a habit by some couples (when one is accident prone, etc).

Can married teenagers living at home go on parents insurance?

This is not a legal question, but a question about the insurance policy. However, most insurance policies no longer allow children to be dependents if they are married.

Does New York allow spouses to have separate auto insurance policies?

NY and Auto PoliciesYou can have separate policies, but most of the time, it is cheaper to be on the same policy. A NY Insurance Company will ask the question of being married, and if there are other licensed operators in the household, regardless of if they drive the car. It is always said that if there are others in the household that they do have access the the vehicle (last car in the driveway theory). If you commit fraud, you can be denied a claim.

Does a couple have to be legally married to be a beneficiary for each others life insurance beneficiary for their policies?

No. You can name who you choose as your beneficiary.

My husband has dental insurance through his work and so do I but who is primary?

That depends on how the policies are written. Some policies state that when there are two dental insurances, the employee is primary and the dependent is secondary. Other policies state that the person whose birthday falls first in the year is primary. Your best option is to either discuss this issue with your Human Resources department at work or discuss it with the individual who handles insurance claims at your dentist's office. ***Birthday rule only applies to covered children of a married or cohabiting couple. If the parents live in separate households, custody rule or divorce decrees override the birthday rule. The policyholder will be the primary carrier if both policies are full-time employment policies. If one of the policies is retirement coverage, the retirement coverage would be secondary. In your case, your insurance is primary for you and your husband's insurance is primary for him.

If I recently married a man with a young child in OH and I am his 1st wife but he believes a will to be unnecessary who is entitled to his life insurance policies if he dies?

His life insurance policies should not be made payable to his estate. They should not pass by will because the proceeds may become subject to estate taxes. If there are multiple policies they each should have a named beneficiary. Your husband should seek the advice of a professional insurance advisor who can explain and discuss his options and how the policies should be titled.

Can your medical insurance drop coverage on your spouse if you file separate taxes?

They may ask for proof that you are married but otherwise they shouldn't. Not that they won't try.

If a women is 22 and still carried on her father's insurance and becomes pregnant is she dropped from her father's health insurance as soon as she gets married?

In India, the age yardstick for girls is 25 years. Yea, when the girl member gets married, she will be dropped. She can take separate policy or opt for joining with husband's medical insurance policy.

Can you and your partner insure a car with separate insurers?

Are you talking about insuring a vehicle twice at the same time. This is illegal. Why would you want to pay insurance twice on the same vehicle anyway. If there was a claim and you had two policies on it they would probably split the damages. You cannot legally make a profit on insurance. Also, only the person who legally owns the car can insure it. The only exception is a legally married couple.

Can a woman get insurance on a man if he is married?

If the woman and man are married yes, she can get insurance on her husband. If the woman is single and the man married then no, she can't get insurance on him.

What is the advantage of married filing jointly?

The advantage of married filing jointly is that your tax may be lower than your combined tax for other filing statuses. Another advantage would be your standard deduction, if you do not itemize, my be higher and you qualify for tax benefits that do not apply to married filing separate.