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Q: What year did PA require all drivers to buy automobile insurance?
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In what year did Arizona require all drivers to have car insurance?

Arizona has not required all drivers to have car insurance for a while. It was only in late 1960's to the 1970's that drivers were required to have car insurance.

If your 19 year old son lives with you and does not have a license and does not drive your car do you have to put him on your car insurance?

Insurance companies may collect information on all individuals living in your home but the rates will reflect drivers only. Further, most insurance companies will require all licensed drivers in the household be listed as a driver.

How much is the average learning driver's car insurance?

Car insurance for new, young drivers is more expensive then adult's car insurance. The reason is drivers have to prove to the insurance companies that they are safe drivers. The average insurance for new drivers is anywhere from $2000 to $5000 a year, depending on the type of vehicle insured and one's location.

Does an 18 year old have to have auto insurance to keep a drivers license?

No. He has to have auto insurance to keep driving.

What should I prepare for insurance quotes?

When you need to get quotes on automobile insurance, there will be several items of information you need to have readily available to provide to potential insurance companies. You need your driver's license number, make, model and year of your automobile, licenses numbers of any other drivers in your household, your average mileage driven per year and any accidents or tickets you may have incurred over the past three years. The insurance company may ask for other information such as if you carpool, use your vehicle for business or even if you park in a garage or on the street.

Are there any companies who offer cheap insurance for 17 year olds?

Cheap car insurance for 17 year old drivers do not realistically exist. In fact, they are higher than other forms of car insurance, as 17 year old drivers typically lack the necessary maturity level.

What year did Georgia require drivers license?

When she got caught the 4th time.

What are the characteristics of automobile insurance?

there are so may characteristics to look for when buying an automobile insurance. selecting an insurance company should be a well made decision as you have to stick with they for at least a year. click on the link provided in the 'source and related link" area for an article that explains everything you should consider before buying an insurance

Is motorcycle insurance different from automobile insurance?

Not really. Premiums are actually set just like regular car insurance based on driving record, year, make and model of the bike.

What are the average prices for car insurance for leaner drivers?

Insurance rates for persons who are just learning to drive can be a bit costly. Inexperienced drivers often pay more for insurance. Rates for males are also higher. Average rate for a one year policy can be approximately $2500 - $3000 per year.

How much cost should one expect to bear if one is taking out motorcycle insurance?

The cost of motorcycle insurance depends on the driving history of the person taking it out. New drivers can expect to pay $2,800 a year and experienced drivers can expect to pay $2,000 a year.

Do a 30 year old living with their parents have to be attached to their automobile insurance policy?

If the want to drive their parents care legally - yes !