You will get a ticket and, possibly given a few days to obtain that paid insurance. If you cause a collision, the other person can obtain a judgement or lien against you. You will end up paying for it, anyway, in the long run.
I think your car insurance will cover that.
Depends on the state, and how many times you have been caught, but, yes. It can happen, because you would be arrested, thus giving them the right to impound your car.
You will be penalized by the law enforcing police authority by your being caught without insurance of your car while driving on public road. Your car can be confiscated if you fail to pay the spot the find and summoned to the nearest police station for initiating case against you.
nothing, unless you get caught :-)
You get a ticket.
Only if you get caught driving without insurance can that happen in most states. I wish it would happen in all.
Yes, you are generally covered if you are caught speeding in any car as long as your driver's license is valid, your insurance is up to date, and you were not intoxicated. Your insurance covers you as a driver.
u will get a ticket if u get caught
until you get caught!
Car insurance is required in California. If you do not have insurance and are caught you may be subject to a fine as well as possible time in jail. Insurance can be found for a reasonable price
You can't drive without insurance. You can get your license suspended if caught.