What u think it wil look like
You are asking to predict the future which is not pssible. Think about cars 50 years ago and you can see that given that duration, cars will probably change significantly.
They had 4 wheels, body, trans, engine, rear end, seats (two or four), windows, mirrors, head and tail lights, they ran on gas and need water and oil to performace to the best of there power. so to answer your question, like cars today.
10-15mpg 50 years ago. However, 25 years ago, cars got 30+mpg quite easily....
If still alive. Older
Top Gear - 2002 50 Years of Bond Cars is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12 UK:E
50 cars 50 cars
now we have better fuel and can run some cars on electricity.
The 1991 Chevy Caprice Station Wagon.
50 cars 50 cars
They are more fuel efficient and have better safety precautions like air bags and anti-lock brake systems.