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Q: What was the penalty for pressing the bell to stop the train when there was no emergency?
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Related questions

How does bell pit work?

by pressing a button on the side and it will go dong

Why does a train ring its bell at a train station?

Only when it's moving (or about to). It's a warning.

How can you stop electric bell ringing - nobody pressing it?

You can stop an electric bell from ringing by disconnecting it from the power source or by removing its batteries, if applicable. This will interrupt the electrical current and stop the bell from ringing.

What is an alarm-bell?

An alarm-bell is a bell which is rung to signal danger or emergency, or a bell which is rung at a pre-arranged time in order to mark a desired moment for performing an action such as waking up.

What is the song with the train crossing bell?

Oowatanite by April wine

What does a flashing light or a ringing bell at a railroad crossing signify?

The flashing light and ringing bell means that a train is coming and you should stop well short of the crossing until the train has passed by. That is the law, it is illegal not to stop. The train has the right of way.

How do you love your Pokemon?

Train it, give it items, have it hold soothe bell.

What are the release dates for SuperGals - 2001 Christmas Eve Jingle-Jingle Emergency Bell of Love 2-13?

SuperGals - 2001 Christmas Eve Jingle-Jingle Emergency Bell of Love 2-13 was released on: USA: October 2010

What is a rapid ringing of a bell every minute?

That is typically called "tolling the bell," where the bell is rung quickly and repeatedly every minute. This can be done for various reasons such as marking the passage of time or indicating an emergency.

What clothes people wear on Soul Train?

Type your answer here... bell bottom pants

What are the release dates for Soul Train - 1971 Randy Crawford Bell Biv DeVoe 19-22?

Soul Train - 1971 Randy Crawford Bell Biv DeVoe 19-22 was released on: USA: 14 April 1990

Where do the Montreal Canadiens train?

When the Canadians play at home, they practice at the Complexe Sportif Bell, in Brassard.