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Q: What is the song with the train crossing bell?
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What does a flashing light or a ringing bell at a railroad crossing signify?

The flashing light and ringing bell means that a train is coming and you should stop well short of the crossing until the train has passed by. That is the law, it is illegal not to stop. The train has the right of way.

Is there a train on Animal Crossing?

the train is only for gamecube

What is a level crossing?

A level croosing is a crossing for a train. Anonymous

Difference of short crossing distances to long?

Three bell-chimes and a highly bell chime were short and long crossing distances. Trains applied these as a warning to grades crossing.

Why can you make a song on Animal Crossing?

To make it the town tune!It plays your song whenever the town bell rings once every hour. If you listen closely it also plays when you open a door.

When was Song of the Bell created?

Song of the Bell was created in 1798.

Is there a train in Animal Crossing City Folk?

no the train is only for gamecube

Can you get a train ride on Animal Crossing Wii?

No, only in Animal Crossing GameCube.

Is there a bell code for Animal Crossing City Folk?

No, there is not.

Does a railroad crossing with flashing lights know how fast the train is going?

No. It's a positional device. When the train is a certain number of feet from the crossing it is activated.

What is the name of the song Frankie is singing while walking through the forest as they're looking for Bernie's body in the movie Miller's Crossing?

Ghirlandeina, veta mia. The song is about the Ghirlandina (Ghirlandèina), the city's renowned bell tower.

When was I Am - Train song - created?

I Am - Train song - was created in 1996.