yes and no
yes, because it is still a cop's car... he/she just isn't in it at the precise moment.... my car is still my car even if I'm not in it
All I have to say is lol. Well if you know what model of cop car your city uses that is a big help in tracking one down. If you were to purchase a used "cop car" they would make you paint it first and take out all their gadgetry before they would let you buy it. You can go to jail for impersonating an officer of the law.
the worlds coolest cop car is located in London it is a lamborghini
Because you're breaking the law.
Cop Car EP was created on 2009-08-09.
Generally, they wouldn't unless it was stolen or used in a crime.
Adam is a two man patrol unit. The 12 is the unit number
Yes you can I asked a cop
You can't dress like a cop in GTA IV, but Niko can carry out vigilante jobs in a cop car, by using the in-car cop computer.
No it was not. The cop car "Barricade" was in fact a Saleen S281
the movie is cop out