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Yes you can I asked a cop

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Q: Can you get a ticket from a cop if you don't have car insurance?
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What if a cop hits your car and you dont have insurance?

Very good question. You will be cited for not having insurance coverage as mandated by law, however, if the cop was at fault, you have a valid cliam, which you need to puirsue with the cop's insurance co.

How much would a cop ticket you for if you have no insurance?

In the State of California where i am its a $500.00 Plus ticket.... its Cheaper to just Pay the Insurance.

Who plays the cop in the gieco pig commercial?

GEICO Insurance runs a commercial where Maxwell the pig gets pulled over by a cop. He is handed a ticket by the cop.

If you get a ticket and get points on your insurance can you fight them if the cop did not tell you you would be getting points?

You can appeal a ticket surcharge that is imposed by your insurance company with your state insurance department but you will lose if you try to blame the police officer. Police officers have no responsibility to inform you of what might happen to your insurance if you get a ticket. In fact they don't care what happens to your insurance rates, if you violated a traffic law you should expect to get a ticket.

Can a cop tell if you have insurance by running your license plate?

In most states, no. However, in any state that requires insurance, an officer can ask for proof of insurance, and if you don't provide it, you get a ticket.

Will cop take your car away if you have no registration and no insurance?

It can be impounded in some states.

A cop gave you a ticket without signing it does it mean that is is not a valid ticket and you dont have to pay?

If a ticket is not signed by a police officer, it does not necessarily mean that it is not valid. Some jurisdictions may require the officer's signature, while others may not. It is best to consult with a lawyer or contact the local authorities to clarify the specific requirements for ticket validity in your jurisdiction.

Can you fight a driving without insurance ticket in CA when you can show proof you do have had insurance for over 10 years?

Yes, All she has to do is contact the clerk of the court. Most jurisdictions will allow you to present proof of your insurance to the court clerks office and have the ticket dismissed. Some jurisdictions may require that she first plead not guilty and then present her documents to the court.bear in mind that the law does not just require that you have insurance. If you read the the text of the law it will sate that you must "carry proof" of financial responsibility at all times when operating a motor vehicle on public road.Question detailmore background: my friend was pulled over for speeding, when asked for license, registration, and insurance ...she had to search for proof of insurance because her AAA card wasn't sufficient enough for the cop. cop took her 2 documents she did have, told her to keep looking, and went to his car. when cop came back she had the documentation of policy. cop already had the ticked for driving w/o insurance ticket written up. and gave her a verbal for the speeding. wouldn't even look at the insurance docs. can she fight the ticket?

In Colorado can you get a ticket for hitting a car in a private parking lot?

Was the cop wearing his hat? If so yes.

Will you get a ticket for expired tags in California?

Yes, if it is after the expired month, a cop has the right to pull you over and give you a traffic fix it ticket. Make sure you have proof of insurance too.

Can a cop remove traffic tickets?

only the cop who wrote the ticket can remove it called ticket fixing

Is a cop car still a cop car when there cop in the car?

yes and no